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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Spring Hunts

    Speaking of changes......... I've been living out of state. When did hunter orange go away and what was the reasons given by AZGFD?
  2. Edge


    Couldn't get into my happy hunting grounds yesterday due to road damage, so I did some exploring farther out west in GMU 44b. Got on the Harquahala Mine Rd and took some pics. By the looks of this ocotillo, I missed one heck of a party. Couldn't contribute to this succulent monument to human debauchery, I roll commando.
  3. Edge

    Hawk attacking my chickens

    Might give the chickens some cover they can get under quickly. Hawks have to be able to swiftly land on their prey. My chickens know when there's a hawk over head and they go under cover till the hawk leaves. On the ground the chicken is swift and lite of foot leaving a grounded hawk in its dust. I've never lost a chicken to a hawk.
  4. Wow, some of those big elk racks would be a nightmare to try and hide or tarp. Times have changed. I got a nice big 4 point muley in unit 27 when I was 16 (1977). Dad let me drive over to my high school (Go Cougars) enroute to the taxidermist and show off the cape to my crew. Had a rifle in the gun rack, too. Drove from Seattle to Tucson in 2000 with an enormous caribou rack tied on to the vans luggage rack. The whole way I had fellow motorists giving me the thumbs up (even in CA) and whenever I stopped people wanted to know what they were. Had I known dad was going to cut them up for art work, would've just kept them.
  5. Edge


    I've never heard of rape memorials but the concept doesn't surprise me. Could be, certainly an easy spot to pull off the hiway onto. This 'memorial' is just out of sight of I-10 but certainly in the middle of nowhere between the Salome and Harquahala Valley Exit. I hope it's more of a "Hey, let's get naked next to the interstate and party like it's 1999!" kind of spot.
  6. Edge


    Kidso That's a bear in the last photo. We missed a rendezvous with him by 6 hours.
  7. Too cool, thanks for posting.
  8. Edge


    Oh y Miguel, el burro sa've mas espanol katu.
  9. Edge

    Go CARDS!!!!!!!!!!

    Good thing the Cards have a roof. INTERCEPTION!.......... no
  10. Edge

    bore sighting

    I would love to have this model in .308.... My dad bought this rifle new in 1956 for my mom.
  11. Edge

    bore sighting

    Anyone on the far west side interested in some quick cash to bore sight my rifle? Just changed scopes. Pm me with charges and where you are located. Thanks
  12. Edge

    bore sighting

    I'll set the laser out 100 yards tonite, shoot at paper tomorrow when I go out calling and post a pic.. . Admin, this started out as an ad, please move if need be.
  13. Top rifle is an M88 in .243 I inherited from my mom, it's killed a lot of deer, antelope and pigs. Middle rifle is a Navy Arms in .357, with an 18" barrel, killed 2 pigs with it. It's also the go to gun when livestock needs put down. It's a nice light rifle you hardly notice in a saddle scabbard or shouldered on a hike. Packs a punch, though. Dad picked it up at a garage sale in the '60's for 75$. Bottom is an old Gamemaster in 30-06 we refer to as the meat pole. 10 round mag gives it a BAR look. I've also killed a Mule deer with an 1874 Win .32-40 blackpowder saddle carbine and offed a Columbian Blacktail with a Winchester 1917, both with iron sights.
  14. Edge

    bore sighting

    It's how we win the battles.......
  15. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    One of the worst I've seen in years and it's still pouring. Watched the neighbors box trailer take down a 4' tall chain link fence and float away., I couldn't do anything to help. Another neighbor has a 16' livestock trailer half submerged. Watched a frog float by waving a white flag....pictures soon. Nobody will be able to get in or out of here anytime soon. The ol' lady staying at her dads. Good thing I stocked up on beer and steaks yesterday.
  16. Edge

    bore sighting

    This was too easy to set up. Put the M88 on the nightstand and shined the laser level in on the firing pin. Aimed at a wall 52' away and set the cross hairs about an inch and half below. I'll set it up tonight and zero in on something 100 yards out on the vacant neighbors place. Laser is too weak to see 100yards in the daylight.
  17. Congrats to you all and your little huntress!
  18. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Here we go again..... Road looks like a river and the well has been out all morning.
  19. Edge

    pack goats

    I'm lovin it. Find myself wanting to give em a try.
  20. Edge

    bore sighting

    Thanks for all the help, folks. Mailbox is flooded. Love, peace, coues
  21. Edge

    bore sighting

    Ahh yes, thanks for the reminder and the help. Had it dead on but sold the rifle a couple years ago and just got it back with the scope no longer mounted. Hope it aint messed up.
  22. Edge

    bore sighting

    I got sticks of 25' sucker rod, but gravity is a beach, so thanks but no.
  23. Edge

    bore sighting

    Model 88 Win, cant see down the bore. Went by the range and at 25 yards, wasn't on the paper. Was a foot low at 10 yards but only had a half box with me, really went there to shoot an old .45 I;ve got a lazer, maybe I can aim it at the barrel 25 yards out?
  24. Edge

    bore sighting

    no vice Like to get it close asap, save time and ammo, buddy