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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Cited by AZGF

    Thanks, 520 The story suggests the worden couldn't tell the diff betwixt a little red squirrel and an Alberts which is huge, grey and sports an enormous grey fuzzy tail.....
  2. Edge

    Cited by AZGF

    Just google Graham red squirrel bridge. Seems there's a few squirrels a year getting flattened on the road up to the observatory each year. A squirrel bridge has been proposed to save them.
  3. Edge

    Cited by AZGF

    No, there was a rare Mt Graham squirrel killed by either a warden or AZGFD contractor last year? Found the story but my browser wont let me paste. Squirrel was shot by a wildlife manager in an effort to protect it. 3/14 I still can't believe we won't build them that $1.25 million dollar bridge they so need. They're doomed w/o it.
  4. Some people might declare BS, but I swear that little guy made a heck of an effort to get to where he could see me. It was steep and rocky but he made it and managed a smile.
  5. Edge

    Hawk attacking my chickens

    I must speak chicken too, cuz I thought it was strange one morning none were in the coop laying, not even the brooders... Walked into the coop to collect eggs and there was a rattler coiled up in a nesting box.
  6. Good luck. Going thru the notes gave me a migraine. I thought sometime back I read where any night time shooting of yotes was shotgun only, but now I can't find that so sorry, I can't help.
  7. I was speaking of blending in while hunting in general, although it is a coyote thread. I believe the most important aspect though, is stillness. Desperation over caution is a big factor. How hungry is the critter verses their wisdom? Once at night, called in a young coyote to within 5' of my idling pickup. That pup's behavior defies description. Shooting from a ladder sounds like fun though, tell me more. Did you get them in close? Other species? Would like to have seen the settings your ladder was in.
  8. Edge

    Cited by AZGF

    2nd Lt.'s in the military, fresh out of college were the worst.
  9. Edge

    Would you hunt alone?

    You won't be alone. Every bear, lion, rabid varmit, psychopath and pot grower in the unit will be watching you; especially while you sleep.
  10. Edge

    Jaguar Play

    Know how I know you're gay? Saw you standing in line for the 'Jaguar Play.'
  11. Edge


    Welcome abroad.
  12. Edge

    Cited by AZGF

    Worden sounds like a spelling app. Correct conjunction for elk is an, not a. Please let us know howe dis hole sparro ting works oot.
  13. Looks like the hunter in the top photo hasn't begun calling yet. Stand with your legs together, not apart. When was the last time you saw the shape of an inverted Y occurring in nature?
  14. Edge

    Crazy Buck!!

    good job, well done. few horses will stand quiet for a large, dead, bloody carcass thrown across their back if they have not been desensitized to that ahead of time.
  15. Edge

    My first pic with a trail cam

    great pics
  16. Edge

    New to predator calling

    When walking to and from your stands, you really can't look behind you often enough.
  17. Edge

    When you don't have a Leopard foot, make one

    I saw this at the seminar, pre-spots. Looks good Jim.
  18. Edge

    Updated ** My Scouted 6x6

    Dude, you rock!
  19. I have an ear missing on my antelope. I suspect mice.
  20. Found, thanks
  21. Edge

    Spring Hunts

    Interesting, Jim and thanks. Was required by my dad if you wanted to hunt when I was a kid. (Then again, maybe it was mom's rule.)
  22. I refuse to soil my hands by touching one.