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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Some days I wake up grumpy

    Nice buck, good write up. I love 34B, makes me homesick.
  2. Edge

    happy halloween

    Well my only prospective trick or treater turned tail. I don't know if it was the animal skull collection on the porch, or the old man lurking in the sage, but he fled. The Jose Cuervo just wouldn't pour back into the bottle willingly.
  3. Edge

    happy halloween

    *UPDATE* Well, stacked up my change on a table next to the door only to have the cat slap the money across the room, filling up shooters...
  4. Edge

    happy halloween

    I wasn't expecting any trick or treaters but I think I see some coming. All I got is some pocket change or a shot of tequila for them.
  5. Edge

    Double Triple !!!!

    good looking doggies. All I been calling in look anemic.
  6. Edge

    bargain buck

    Hey good luck That rifles scope mount was designed for the 99 Yup, keeping the 1911. Used the ol lady s nail polish on the front sight and I can see it again. Take lots of pics, watch out for da buzztails. Lets get together when you return and take the 1911's to the range.
  7. Edge

    137 5/8" giant

    Humina humina!,!!
  8. Edge

    bargain buck

    Thanks, non typical, Mocha. Don't understand the snarky comments of others, wasn't after a "monster" or I wouldn't have shot this one with 2 days left in the hunt, but I certainly would have liked to have knocked down the first one I saw. He was bigger bodied, more meat to share with friends and family. I shot this one for my dad whom is too old to hunt anymore. he really enjoys the meat and it really hurts him to know he can't go afield any longer. Years ago I used to put him in the truck when I'd go hunting just so he could be near by. I'll take him some roasts and loin in a couple weeks. The venison should help him get over the trauma ma caused when she threw out that old freezer burned squirrel meat he was saving. lol
  9. Edge


    lol very clever
  10. Edge

    Need advice, entry level cam

    I bought a Primos new in the box off Craigslist for $30. But one is never enough.
  11. You always have the best stuff. As kids, you were the one down the street with Sizzlers while the rest of us had Matchbox cars. Not fair!
  12. Edge

    bargain buck

    Yup that mag is legal.
  13. Edge


  14. Edge

    bargain buck

    Sounds delicious, Mike just let us know when you're putting the feedbags on. Too bad there aint enough for everybody on Coueswhitetail.com to sample. Glad you came along on the hunt with your kill kit. Without ya, I would've had to toss ol Bambi's carcass over the mesa cliff then looked for him down below. Sorry Biglakejake Pop may be 88, but he'd kick my tail if I sold that gun.
  15. Edge

    bargain buck

    We po folk have to be frugal despite this roaring economy (puke), can barely afford to pay attention... Besides Mike, what good are all those gadgets when you drive off and leave em on the kitchen counter...lol
  16. Edge

    bargain buck

    Wranglers, Cartharts, Resistol.......
  17. Helped some friends out with their hunt so missed much of my own. Hauled gear and water in, and a mule that had been abandoned on the trail a month earlier, joined us. Made it over to my gmu with 3 days left. First morning, climbed a mesa and saw good sign. At noon got a shot at a nice buck but much brush did bless him. Next morning me and Mike went back up the mesa and glassed it good. 30 minutes later a deer appears on the opposite end of the mesa and slooooooowly browsed towards us. Guess he didn't see us two ninjas in black cowboy hats. At about 300 yards, we had given up on seeing a bigger buck and this spike was about to jump off the mesas edge so I thought I would help him down with 158 grains of reloads I've had lying around since the mid 1960s. The old Gamemaster meatpole is about 60 years old and nobody has messed with that Weaver 1.5 X 4 in 50 years. Ok so I'm one cheap sob. Ate leftover pizza and complained about my used boots from Goodwill. But got er done for about $50. Afterwards, Mike treated me to a great roast and a nice trail ride. Oh, and thanks for demonstrating the gutless method.
  18. Edge

    bargain buck

    I love the romance of carrying the old rifle over hill and dale. But then, I enjoy splitting logs with a maul. The Stith scope mounts insure you can drop that gun into the San Francisco River Canyon without knocking the alignment off. This happened in the 1970"s. Bought the magazine on eBay, its meant to send Coyotes and mules a message down south
  19. Edge

    bargain buck

    My computer is giving me issues.
  20. Edge

    bargain buck

    Join Search and Rescue, that's all a write off.
  21. Edge

    To early to trap?

    Winter hair growth is actually triggered by the summer solstice. That way the hair coat is fullest at the winter solstice when the process begins to slowly reverse.
  22. Not surprising, Wasn't too many years ago the feds ran the Mustang Ranch brothel when the owners filed bankruptcy. Besides, Feds do what ever they want.
  23. Edge

    Guy on a Buffalo- Just to break up the day.

    Only seen buffalos ridden a couple times, but I never had the hankerin. And that aint no bull.