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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Anyone on dialysis?

    What's her blood type, I'm A+ Ran an aunt to dialysis for months, it kept her goin, but she had other issues....
  2. Edge


    We can share joint custody if you kick in $30
  3. Edge


    To all squirrels and dove eating my chicken scratch, time for some payback.
  4. Edge


    I'll take the air rifle. Maybe mike can pick it up for me.
  5. Edge


    Went to school with one of the Tysons. They were a really weird family.The two surviving sons initially got the death sentence. I knew one of the death row guards at Florence. Asked him about Ricky Tison, the youngest. Said he was a polite, shy boy that gave them no trouble, then one day he approached his cell and Ricky was wearing a trash bag which is what the inmates did when they wanted to disregard orders and protect themselves from mace. Later, both brothers sentences was changed to life.
  6. Edge

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    Terribly sad story, Prdatr. Just goes to show you never know what sadness and sorrow others may be experiencing.
  7. Edge


    A Killer in the Family.Robert Mitchum played Gary Tyson What an easy prison break, his sons just smuggled guns into the prison in ice chests on family picnic day.
  8. Edge


    I was a high schooler working in a diesel garage on the Casa Grande Hiway when the Tyson's hit the roadblock. Man I never seen so many cops. Remember the cops couldn't find old man Tyson, a dove hunter did.
  9. Yeah, Harry Reid has a used one for sale.on Craigslist
  10. Edge


    Yeah, and a couple of the chicks were local gals. Their real character come out after just a couple days. Really enjoyed the dude from UT that said his parents started dropping him off alone in the wilderness to camp when he was just 9 years old. He ate so many rats during the 21 day challenge, lost only 2 pounds. Most guys lose 25 lbs
  11. Edge


    Googled that very question just last night. Looked at the producers website that had contest rulesA lot of legaleeze but looked like $5k plus travel, per diem and 2 hotel nights. But couldn't tell if that was per couple? Also looked like they got the prize money for participating, whether they complete the 21 days or not.
  12. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    Create a hybrid and your altering genetics. We've been doing it for thousands of years from mules to mangos.
  13. Edge

    FYI garage door protection

    My garage is detached with a half dozen guard dogs around it. The dogs attack me monthly for practice. If some one made it in, they'd never find their way out. Devan, great close up of your bear, looks brindle.
  14. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    haha thank you. I was about to throw my IPAD LOL!How old when you butcher?Friends of mine raise these geneticly altered chickens that are ready to butcher at 6 weeks. All they do is eat, can hardly walk but they are delicious. This is hilarious. I have no problem with it, but still hilarious.You think that's funny then you should of been over at Mike's house when the lady whom raises them was mimicking how these chickens walk It was hysterical.
  15. Edge

    Hunting w/ Epi-Pen

    Even with a mild case of asthma, you never know when you could get into a situation that will cause it to spike. Elevation changes, allergies, humidity, fungus, stress, can all be precursors.
  16. Edge

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    Sorry to hear
  17. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    haha thank you. I was about to throw my IPAD LOL!How old when you butcher?Friends of mine raise these geneticly altered chickens that are ready to butcher at 6 weeks. All they do is eat, can hardly walk but they are delicious.
  18. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    They eat better with competition.Your neighbor is usually given a doggie for helping out pushing and branding them. Sounds like you need to do some cowboying, Dan. Bill gets cow hay in Wilcox, think its Sudan Grass. Our Brangus cost about $3.15 per pound, including, his purchase, feed and processing. But we also hit all the farmers market and ask for their spoilage We also collect a lot of hay from friends that have horses and for what ever reason they don't want to feed it.
  19. Edge


    Hey Oneshot Alone is taking applications for next season.
  20. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    Carpcody, what is it costing you for your swine and feeding them?
  21. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    I have an acquaintance that gets them so cheap, she turns around and resells them for $50. If she weren't such a witch, I'd put her number down. *update* just talked to my gf. She says the "witch" was indeed paying $20 for the bulls and reselling them for $50 last time the subject came up. I don't deal with the woman, she's a piece of work. We leased a horse to her for giving riding lessons, and got the horse back emaciated. My gf still communicates with her, I'll see if she can find out what dairy she gets them from.
  22. Edge

    Raising your own meat

    If you eat a lot of hamburger, dairies sell bull calves for $15 -$25 dollars. They are rarely on the cow long enough to get a sufficient amount of colostrum and you'll have to bottle feed, high mortality rate and dairy bulls have a reputation of being the meanest. Slaughter them earlier than you would a beefer. You will want to mix some pork fat, but great burger for cheap.
  23. Edge

    Monday Check in

    If your in that great of shape. You need to donate those mules to an old crippled up concrete cutter like me. Yeah. Carrying those bags of salt thru the hills at 7000' reminded me I ain't 25 no more. Mike, explain again why we tied the mules up and carried these the rest of the way for them?
  24. Edge


    He's heading to AK soon to play with the large economy sized oso, he'd have them sissy black bears bringing him salmon and honey offerings.