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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    where are we?

  2. Edge

    WHERE AM I???? I will join the fun

    Mount Pleasure
  3. Edge

    ok, now where am i?

    Yeah, but I've seen them in spaghetti westerns too, lol.
  4. Edge

    ok, now where am i?

    U may have got it
  5. Edge

    Cashel Gun Scabbard

    I'll take the scabbard.
  6. Edge

    ok, now where am i?

    Aravaipa Canyon
  7. Edge

    ok, now where am i?

    Little Salt R.
  8. Edge

    ok, now where am i?

    Upper Salt
  9. Edge

    Rain gauge info

    I think it's a great idea. Rain, snow, temperature, thunderstorms and any phenomenon that can affect hunting and travel like fog, ice, etc.
  10. Edge

    Trail Cam Pics

    That palmetto is a battleship.
  11. Edge

    Lees Ferry - The Best Yet

    Great pics. Next time I go fishing, can we swap wives, please? I love her dearly but our trout fishing experience at Hawley was the exact opposite.
  12. Edge

    federal dot anual inspection

    Lol I see what you did there.
  13. Edge

    Alaska Salmon

    God I miss being up there.
  14. Edge

    Butler Bag All Season System

    You've always got Duane transport service. He knows MULEPACKHUNTER.
  15. Edge

    Bomber Velvet Coues

    Holy toads a-leapin!
  16. Edge

    Project: making her smile

    Fantastic. Looks prehistoric, paleo, you should get some points for that. Here's a bracelet me and the son scored from my sweetie last Christmas. Its made of elk bone and by a Navajo craftsman. Love to know how it was made.
  17. Edge

    Archery in your backyard?

    A hole in my garage door bears this out.
  18. Edge

    Unit 21

    I got a spot too down south if it survives the fire season. Have seen some nice muleys ne of Dugas rd long before it gets ruff.
  19. Edge

    Unit 21

    If Mike can't do 75mph on a dirt road, he gets a little cranky.
  20. Edge

    30-06 for coues

    Lol. What can I say GreyGhost, great minds think alike...
  21. Edge

    30-06 for coues

    I'll probably be crucified cuz I'm no ballistics head, but it would seem to me you'd get more bloodshot from a lighter round packing greater velocity.
  22. Edge

    30-06 for coues

    I've downed 3 Coues with that round, probably less bloodshot meat than with my .243. Just learn the trajectory, that round drops rapidly after 200 yards
  23. Edge


    Had one come up on my porch back in UT. He woke me up slamming the lid on the BBQ, was collared problem bear. Later that night he busted thru a neighbor's screen door and got smacked over the head by a teenage gal wielding a frying pan. Following evening he went through another neighbor's screen door and the resident woke up to a bear sitting beside his bed, licking his arm. He startles the bear with a scream and punch to the nose and the bruin craps himself exiting the home. Resident can't sleep so he sits on the front porch with a 12 ga. Bear returns 90 minutes later and is shot with a slug at 15' Turns out the bear had infected canine and becoming emaciated and looking for easy chow.
  24. Edge


    He probably watched us put the salt down.