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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Died and Went to Hillbilly Heaven

    I sparsely recall, I think maybe you got a year or two on me ol buddy.
  2. Edge

    Died and Went to Hillbilly Heaven

    Darlins? I'll have to look that up.
  3. NRA sent it and AZGFD won't give you a bonus point?
  4. Neither AZGFD or the NRA can produce evidence I took hunters Ed 50 years ago. If I'd known that when I was 11 years old, I'd kept the certificate somewhere safer than my sock drawer.
  5. Edge

    Died and Went to Hillbilly Heaven

    Don't delay. Great tutorials on YouTube, the banjo tabs are easy to read.
  6. Edge

    Died and Went to Hillbilly Heaven

    Picked up a banjo over the summer, play hours a day. Pretty forgiving instrument, I've heard experts say there's no wrong way to play it. Is it a coincidence my cat left home?
  7. Edge

    Died and Went to Hillbilly Heaven

    Links or they don't exist
  8. Proof. Transgenders are just like everyone else.
  9. Edge

    Classy hunters

  10. Edge

    Classy hunters

  11. Edge

    Classy hunters

    When I was 12 or 13, I was hunting mulies in 27 with my dad. He was quite a distance away when I shot a mid size buck, dropping him with a single bullet. By the time I reached the buck, here across a meadow comes a couple middle aged men carrying rifles. I hadn't heard another shot and the deer had a single bullet hole. But these two characters who looked like extras right off the Deliverance set, insisted this was their deer, they'd shot it earlier and were tracking it. It was clearly bs but what was I to do. Didn't see my dad again till long after the confrontation, he was fit to be tied. But a couple days later I scored a beautiful buck in the same meadow. He was mounted and adorns my gun room today.
  12. Edge

    Found a stray - Chandler

    Found two so far this summer.
  13. Edge


    I have a few mags to sell. They're all 20 round AR 15 magazines. The metal ones are surplus Adventure manufacturing and the plastic are new Wilson NC. Mailed to your door, 5 Wilsons $30 or 3 metal mags $35 or 5 for $45
  14. Edge


    5 metal mags left, plenty of plastic ones.
  15. Edge


    My AR doesn't fit in the boot with the 30 round mag.
  16. Edge

    Things (snakes) that make you go, whew!

    A good argument for boycotting fossil fuel.
  17. Edge

    Food vacuum sealer or the like

    I'll keep my eye out, pm me your cell. Air fryers are just amazing.
  18. Edge

    Food vacuum sealer or the like

    Have the commercial Waring sealer. A little messy on liquids but we got around that by chilling wet items first. My ol lady is customer service director for Waring/Cuisinart. Part of the job means we get to test everything they sell even before it's on the market. Bread machines, food processors, air fryers, dehydrators...it's tough. And after putting them through the paces, they're used, we keep what we like. Just saying.
  19. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Found this today, the old hotel before it was moved to it's present location.