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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Beetle/skull cleaning east valley

    Cole at CMC Skulls makes regular trips to the valley. It's also possible to ship the heads FedEx, although I don't know how the rack might affect that.I bought a scabbard off Cole over the summer and he brought it down on a family visit.
  2. Edge

    Beetle/skull cleaning east valley

    That sounds way high for a Euro mount. I got a lion rug quote last summer and thought the quote was more than reasonable.
  3. Edge

    Needle in Paradise

    Great write up on an even greater buck Congratulations.
  4. Edge

    Beetle/skull cleaning east valley

    I dump the pot in the chicken yard.Boiling can crack or cause teeth to fall out. Why not get a price from Jim at SW Wildlife Taxidermy in Scottsdale? I believe he sends them out, does not boil them. His prices are very down to Earth.
  5. Always enjoy your pictures. Grand ol Lady you have there. All looked absoloutley heavenly.
  6. Edge

    My grandfather in late 40's

    Cool beyond words....
  7. From where the top picture was taken, my buddy Charlie glassed up a buck on top of that tall pyramid shaped hill in the center of the picture. We were about a 1/2 mile into a 24b Wilderness area. 2 hours and two miles later, we got to within 300 yards. Moments later two bucks got up and started browsing up on that hill, it was now noon. The shot was too steep for a prone position and I eventually found a mesquite sapling to get a partial rest on. Heard that age old thunk of a solid hit as a piece of fur went airborne. The 85gr Sierra HP entered the front right shoulder low but was at such a steep angle, exited the left lung. He went over backwards. Took a good 45 minutes to get up that hill only to find him back on his feet and running over the crest of the hill. Got a shot off as he leaped over and out of sight. Tracked his blood trail to a ridge line. He went straight down 200 yards into a canyon and got hung up in a young tree. You know it's steep when you can fall into the top of a tree. Getting down to him I managed to slide under a mesquite and get my gear pretty hung up. Meanwhile Charlie could hear the buck below choking and found him, I put a .380 in him to end it. Turns out my final rifle shot had hit his left leg below the hock. How he got so far got my attention and respect. The Deer had to be dragged a ways for butchering just so we all would not roll the next 1/4 mile down to the Canyon bottom. I want to give my heart felt thanks to my friends and family that helped out. Mulepackhunter Mike for working so hard on my rifle and breathing new life into a treasured aireloome. The old Winchester 88 did you proud and I hope we get you out in the field in a week and a half. Charlie (Eagleeye), it's been great getting to know you, what a wonderful family you have. Thanks so much for those great optics and long, lanky legs that helped pack this deer out. I will be glad to return the favor in the weeks ahead with a little mule friend of mine. A big thanks to the Coueswt.com family for your friendship and offers to help. My hat is off to the dedicated hunters that have made the stalking and taking of these elusive, tough deer, a destination.
  8. Edge

    Archery Coues Hunt

  9. Edge

    Archery Coues Hunt

    Yes you can purchase a tag otc and put in for the draw. If you didn't fill a 2015 deer tag there's archery OTC still in Dec, many units. Good luck
  10. Edge

    My grandfather in late 40's

    Awesome picture, Bishup. Deer on the far right is a monster. I'd give my eye teeth to have that truck in my driveway. Thanks for posting.
  11. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    Thanks to all for the great comments. I'm no expert but put the tape to the buck for a decent measurement of 83.22". The hunting season was full of surprises and disappointments. I tried to stay flexible and get out to fill my tag. With such a long bow season, perhaps bigger bucks ahead. Coues Assasin I'm willing to take just about anyone packing in order they experience horse and mule hunts, just pm me. The canyon this buck fled to would have required mules to be fitted with skis, or parachutes or both.
  12. Edge

    Back yard bucks

    That's great having them there. Explains the deep pit you keep hidden out back. I've seen javelina and burros out here but since the adjoining land went from Peoria to State Trust, seeing deer sign out back again. Tell Bill Hi for me
  13. Edge

    AZ G&F Major Draw Problems-BE AWARE

    Do other states have these draw problems or are we just blessed?
  14. Edge

    5BS Late Rifle Bull

    Right! I swear no elk mounts but i would have to mount that bull Thanks guys but I cant bring myself to pay the better part of $1000 to mount a bull just because he's neat looking. He will make a cool little euro mount though.that bull has Euro mount written all over it.
  15. Edge

    5BS Late Rifle Bull

    Hey Jake, Told your dad that bull was special, look how many agree. That's going to be an awesome mount. Welcome to Coueswhitetail.com
  16. Edge

    Redemption Buck

    Wow Anxious to hear the story and the score!
  17. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    Has some characteristics of both species. Purely speculation.
  18. Edge

    24b Late hunt

    the best kind, Gary!
  19. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    So I've discussed this buck with Pixman, Eagleeye and others and at the time we were trailing it and getting glimpses we believed there's a good chance this buck is a hybrid. Post your opinions.
  20. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    Thanks Wink, I'm not going on another hunt like that without getting back in shape.
  21. Edge

    Return to 30a

    Good job guys!
  22. Fantastic! Distance, rifles used?
  23. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    Cool story. I'd been happy with him or his smaller buddy. I haven't ever been to concerned with rack size but I am getting a new found appreciation for you hunters that put in the time and effort to find the monsters. This buck had a big body and decent rack. Nearly 50% larger than last year's.
  24. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    thanks man, hope you can join us for the archery hunt.
  25. Edge

    Respect the Coues!

    Thanks sir,Betcha that 'turret' looking mtn on the right brings back some memories.