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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Let's Not Forget

    84th Div. Christmas in Bastone, 1944 Christmas 1776 Korea Nam
  2. Edge

    22 Archery Partner

    that's the way to do it. I got a hunter coming in from outta state to desert hunt. Hope you keep the kayak side down.
  3. Edge

    Desert Mule Deer

    Very nice
  4. Edge

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and go Cardinals!
  5. Edge

    Looking for a firearm collector.

    All black powder, Lark. Merry Christmas. And a free bump for the op.
  6. Edge

    Looking for a firearm collector.

    Maybe it was a '73, also chambered in the 32-20. The cartridge had already been around for years as a Colt pistol cartridge, also black powder.
  7. Edge

    Looking for a firearm collector.

    My granddad had a '92 saddle carbine in 32-20. As a kid, I hunted deer with it. They were a little tricky, had to be real close since the black powder ammo was a half century old.
  8. Edge

    target stores

    That sucks buddy. I had my identity stolen back in WA. Then the identity thief went on a nice long crime spree that included fraud, theft, Breaking and entering and felony hit and run. I got picked up on those charges and spent a week in jail, and no bond until they sorted things out.
  9. Edge

    anyone else...

    Me neither
  10. Edge


    15% off thru 12/31 and free delivery of 1/2 cord or more within 40 miles.
  11. Edge


    I have some great firewood I'd like to see gone before I leave for hunting Monday. It's dry, seasoned citrus. Burns hot and long while emitting very little smoke and no creosote. Prices are comparable to other wood sales but am offering 10% off to CWT members. Selling wheelbarrow loads to full cords. PM for delivery or pickup and price info. Located near 303/Grand
  12. Edge

    The cat that should not be.

    Goes to show ye never know. gorgeous cat, congratulations
  13. Edge

    Giant moose antlers

    A beautiful rack like that could keep a lot of Asians up, all night long.
  14. Edge


    The wood I'm selling is either split already or does not require splitting.
  15. Edge

    Travel For the Holidays

    be glad to, maybe going soon as 2 weeks. Shoot.me a PM with your info.
  16. Edge

    22 Archery Partner

    I'm a maybe, a definite maybe.
  17. Edge

    Need to Wine a little

    1997? Spring chicken. Nixon was still in his first term when I took the course.
  18. Edge

    Need to Wine a little

    My hunters ed course was so long ago, the certificate was made of parchment.
  19. Edge

    Heat Out - Looking to Buy Oak

    Yeah its a shame it leaves so much creosote, it burned great.
  20. Edge


    Dang maybe i need a little! I have whole side of house stacked with stinky cheap wood. We can probably work a deal with all the hunting gear you have for barter.
  21. Edge


    Thanks. I smoke a lot of meats with it too. Even if I'm smoking with mesquite, I can stretch the chips with the citrus.
  22. Edge

    Collectors of old shells and boxes

    Send pics to Cabelas and Bass Pro managers, they display them, seem to have a good budget for such things.
  23. Edge

    Custom Smoker/Grill

    If I was in the market, I'd love having this out back.