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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Some fall pics - Unit 31

    Great pics
  2. Edge

    National Monument Designation??

    If Obama learns these are our happy hunting grounds, he'll be bent on taking them away.
  3. Don't these pics belong in the Vintage Hunter section?
  4. Edge

    Here we go again

    PC is eating their own. Sit back and enjoy.
  5. Edge

    What track is this???

    Sandy=fuzzy foreigner
  6. Edge

    Made in usa

    Let's just say "Baaaah" means NO!
  7. Edge

    Vortex Vulture 15*56 HD $450

    Looking for anything in trade?
  8. Edge

    Southern Utah tag!

    I lived in S.Utah for a decdade, had turkeys on the land in San Juan County.
  9. Edge

    Any family law attorneys?

    No you can not sue Lark for Internet bullying in family court. But seriously good, luck with the matter.
  10. Edge

    What was your first hunting rifle?

    Same here, my 88 is a 1957First rifle was a Winchester .22 Model 62
  11. Edge

    What was your first hunting rifle?

    The Cashbox, used to go there all the time when hitting Mama Loisas Restaraunt.
  12. Edge


    Even Palmer couldn't win this for the Packers, but he tried.
  13. Edge


    And ya didn't know Fitzgerald was a running back!!!
  14. Edge


    Next, Rogers will tell you how many angels dance on the head of a pin.
  15. Edge


    I got your birdie right here
  16. Edge

    Hiking in the dark

    Back when I was a lot younger, 5 of us decided to head up the Peralta trail to a spring back in the Superstitions. It was dead of summer and we met at the trailhead around midnight. I was the only one whom thought a flashlight might come in handy so I led the way. The guys behind me were stacked like a conga line going up the rocky single track, it was pitch black out. Less than a half mile up the hill, I screeched to a halt seeing a rattler coiled up in the trail two feet in front of me. One by one the guys crashed into the guy in front of them like a train pile up, pushing me closer and closer to the snake. By the time the last guy slammed into the human wreckage, I was forced to leap the serpent. I'm not the most athletic guy but my friends say I verticaly cleared that buzztail with several feet to spare.
  17. Edge


    I smell fermented curd.
  18. Edge

    Hiking in the dark

    Bring over whatever you're smoking he'd never get there
  19. Edge

    Hiking in the dark

    This next 1:29 can change all that. https://youtu.be/QLLLr2Li0Qc
  20. Edge

    Rwd Angus beef cow

    How's that nomogram coming?
  21. Edge

    extending hitch on travel trailer

    You can get a flip away Jack too.
  22. Edge

    Pimp your Chevy

    Only ghetto pimps are stuck driving Chibis. Do they come with bitchin chrome curb indicators?
  23. Edge

    Rwd Angus beef cow

    if the price were right. Steer has another 4 months to grow. Would you process yourself?
  24. Edge

    Wingshooters do you remember these?

    Remember heck, I'm still shooting with them. Have recently showed some younger hunters paper shells that had never seen them before.
  25. When y'all win a class action lawsuit.