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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    This post is for the dogs

    Sorry to hear, buddy.
  2. Edge

    AZ is famous

    It's only a few miles south of Skeleton Canyon so it must be haunted and cursed too. Looks like a covered water tank to me. I find the nearby ruins far more interesting. The only flight restrictions would apply to aircraft coming out of Mexico without a flight plan, if ya know what I mean. London's on fire and this is how the Brits spend their time.
  3. LolWhats a guy get for dead ones. One 'attaboy' per critter.
  4. Edge

    Merle Haggard

    Going to high school in Tucson, in the 70's; my Merle 8 tracks got a lot of air time in my '59 Ford pickup.
  5. Call the pigeon control companies in your area. They live trap and sell them for about $3 per.
  6. Edge

    English Bulldog Puppies

    Interesting timing on the pups and all. When I met my gf years ago, we had three. Last one just passed a few days ago.
  7. Edge

    Has Anyone Got a Call to Update Cards????

    Was it 7/08 checking in?
  8. Edge

    Armalite AR10 .243 Upper & Lower For Trade

    Did I miss the price?
  9. Edge

    Title game on tbs.

    Bob had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century. How to get him into the 21st?
  10. Edge

    Monday hits

    This thread may have to morph into a How Do I Get A Leftover Tag thread.
  11. Edge

    Hi to all you newbies

    Howdy Hoytman, sorry about the forum politics. What bull tag did you draw?
  12. Edge

    Hi to all you newbies

    Is this man's goof up going to come up in every thread? For God's sake a mistake was made. Y'all act like he killed a man. Forgive and be forgiven. The morality police need to lower their pitch forks and put down the torches. Move on.
  13. Edge

    Role call for UTV'S and Side by Sides

    yea funny, but you will F a $60, 000.00 truck up getting to where your hiking.Who spends $60k on a truck?That's chump change to mulepackhunter. He'll have that much rolled up in his sock.
  14. Edge

    help Cooking Elk Roast

  15. Edge

    Hi to all you newbies

    Naw we broke upWhat? No! What will I do without my daily AZShedCollector777 update?Next you are going to tell me that FirstCouesWas80 and 7/08 broke up too! Nothing good in this world lasts! Fixed it. Almost, firstcoueswas7/08. It's a celebrity couple, you have to combine their names.They went from ordinary CWT to TMZ Hollywood insiders. That's what happens when you hyphenate your names. How will they hunt with the paparazzi behind every tree?
  16. Edge

    Hi to all you newbies

    And don't ask if 22-250 is enough cartridge for coues.
  17. Edge

    Hi to all you newbies

    I've seen those pics on Pinterest. Was going to post them just to watch the CWT huntress hags get on their altar.
  18. Edge

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    I'm thinking you're going to be needing my pack animals on this hunt. Did You get drawn edge? Yup, got drawn for another highly coveted bonus point.
  19. Edge

    WTB Live Quail

    They're $3.99 ea at the Stock Shop.
  20. Edge

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    I'm thinking you're going to be needing my pack animals on this hunt.
  21. Edge

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Sounds like she wanted to Boom Boom with ya, Bob.
  22. Edge

    Lamp shades

    Was wondering what happened to ol Lark If you cant beat em, join em right Lark...er, 7/08
  23. Edge

    ELK - just got charged!

    Congrats Devon, go knock one down
  24. Edge

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    That charge is for the red light camera in El Mirage.