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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Xnt, Did Ducey sight a reason for the veto?
  2. How much did those set ya back? Good idea considering I can no longer hear the buzz tails.
  3. Edge

    Unit 23 New Mexico Mule Deer

    That's a big unit. My grandparents ranch was between Bayard and Gage. It stinks but it's common for the ranchers to put out No Hunting and No Trespassing signs even where there were public right of ways and leased land from the state and Feds. IE, the old folks place was on 78000 acres but only 640 acres was private the rest leased from the state and public. Get an up to date land ownership map and wouldn't hurt to obtain the wardens name and cell number in case something came up.
  4. Edge

    Josey Wales

    Tombstone Missouri Breaks
  5. Sounds like good advice but two years ago I was playing leapfrog with a couple rattlers. I try not to shine the light more than a few feet ahead of me when walking.
  6. Yeah I went out a few nights two years ago and called in about four fox. Several owls came in too. What a rush though, calling at night.In 42 and 44a you can bust a lion too. Hoping to find sign like I did 2 years ago.
  7. Edge

    Alone II

    Anybody catch the new Alone episode last nite? Local Arizona boy brought much shame upon himself. Didn't take long for him to step it in more ways than one.
  8. Edge

    Alone II

    Oh what dark dank recesses you must visit to find this stuff, lol.
  9. Edge

    Alone II

    I'm telling the mods. Lol
  10. Edge

    Alone II

    Funny 10 years in an interracial marriage and was never called a racist, but man I saw it around me. Big difference between ridiculing stupid stereotypical behavior and racism. I also want the wall built and Obama impeached..more racism? And to stay on topic, I think the Spaniard on Alone is the real deal and could win.
  11. Edge

    Alone II

    Mike, that's Mike L. Former USAF survival/evasion school trainer. I worked with a SSgt previosly in that mos, dang he had the best stories of leading mainly officers into the bush for a week. But I think you're right, he's opining the wife a little too much Great guy, runs a Wilderness school out.of Delores, CO.
  12. Edge

    Wendy's Trend

    The first Job that I recieved a pay check for was at Gordos(If you REALLY Love Mexican food) also...(Farm work was either my chores or cash for tossing hay...) Farm work is rewarding but tough and low pay. Asked to work on my grandparents ranch in NM when I was 11 or 12. Visions of riding fence and herding doggies quickly vanished when I was handed a wire brush and told to clean the windmill tower and pump house. Worked on the ranch next several summers, mucking stalls, bucking hay and branding calves. Took home about $70 per. That came to around 30 cents an hour each season.
  13. Edge

    Alone II

    Lol, I don't respond to the CWT posers/trolls that frequent the forum, that drives them nuts. But I find it intriguing anyone would jump on the 'Like' button of such a stupid post, connection? I guess it's not OK to poke fun at folks whom join a reality TV show and then quit, but it is OK to make ridiculous assumptions while attacking forum members? Couldn't have put it better, AWatson.
  14. Edge

    Point Guard

    If I'm reading right, looks like you'd be silly to pay for the BP guard until your far enough along in BP s to have a chance at being drawn for a good hunt. You could purchase point guard in just the final year or two of having a decent shot at being drawn?
  15. Edge

    Wendy's Trend

    My brother in law graduated from PV in '76. Sabino had a great soccer team, kicked our butts.
  16. Edge

    Wendy's Trend

    Our family went there a lot growing up on the east side, they had the giant candle.In '77 I caught wind one of my buddies was quitting his job at Colossal Cave. I went the same afternoon and got his job but it would be Sept before I'd get my licence. That summer I road my bike 5-6 days a week from 22nd and Camino Seco to the cave, and then give tours all day before riding home in the dark down Old Spanish Trail. No wonder I was skinny. What High school did you go to? Santa Rita?Sahuaro. My step brother went to Palo Verde before Sahuaro was built.
  17. Edge

    Wendy's Trend

    Our family went there a lot growing up on the east side, they had the giant candle. In '77 I caught wind one of my buddies was quitting his job at Colossal Cave. I went the same afternoon and got his job but it would be Sept before I'd get my licence. That summer I road my bike 5-6 days a week from 22nd and Camino Seco to the cave, and then give tours all day before riding home in the dark down Old Spanish Trail. No wonder I was skinny.
  18. Edge

    Shirts n Skins

    My grade school did revelry and retreat. What an honor to unfurl ol Glory and learn how to fold her, too. Today that might offend someone? Everybody wants offended.
  19. Edge

    Anyone have a defibrillator?

    Yes prdtr, hoping all turns out well for your son and he is on the path to healing.
  20. Edge

    Shirts n Skins

    omg, haven't heard that term in 45 years, thanks for the laughs.
  21. Edge

    Alone II

    Tom rocks, you could learn so much from a guy like that. I missed how the fellow up in AK got all those Icelandic Ponies up there. He thought he was going to farm and graze livestock up there? Hope his ponies enjoy eating lichens.
  22. Edge

    Sums it up

    Dang, I was making 3x that in the 70s at Colossal Cave.
  23. Edge

    Sums it up

    Yes, now double our wages or we'll demonstrate.