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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge


    he is half white, Like Obama. The two are birds of a feather. Obama should create a team and fill the player positions with opressed souls. They can represent Chicago. 'The Murderous Chicago Crows' http://nypost.com/2016/09/05/obama-defends-kaepernicks-national-anthem-protest/
  2. Edge

    Where is this?

    White Cone
  3. Edge

    Where is this?

  4. Edge

    Where am I?

    Great stuff
  5. Edge

    Where am I?

    Found this nifty bear mauling resource, lists North American bear attacks chronological order. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America
  6. Edge

    Where am I?

    Verde river Settler was named Wilson.
  7. Edge

    Where am I?

    Johnson Canyon
  8. Edge

    Where is this?

    Maybe this helps
  9. Edge

    Where is this?

    It was way too easy. What's in the foreground?
  10. Edge

    Where am I

    Parker Canyon area
  11. Edge

    Where am I

    Gotta be Turkey Creek PS quail in your avatar looks terribly sad. 😞
  12. Edge

    Where am I?

    Turns out it's technically called Hells Canyon. Hells Gate is in the Tonto.
  13. Edge

    Where am I?

    lol, yeah a few people pm'd to say I was lost, full of it, or both. Anybody else? Cone on Dan put a pic up
  14. Edge

    Where am I?

    Wait, I live 3-4 miles sw of the lake, ride to 74 all the time. Haven't seen a deer yet but started seeing sign after Peoria gave that desert up to State Trust. The north side of the lake is silly with deer, some of the biggest bucks I've seen.
  15. Edge

    Where am I?

    Winner! Hells Gate Wilderness west of Lake Pleasant. Don't bother deer hunting there.IMG_20160902_060340075.jpg theres still a few bucks in there. I've always liked it back in there but it's brutal on foot.I managed to kick out a few does before the season. It was a great hike, water and grass everywhere. Plenty of pig sign.
  16. Edge

    Where am I?

    Wait, hoss50 guessed right
  17. Edge

    Where am I?

    Winner! Hells Gate Wilderness west of Lake Pleasant. Don't bother deer hunting there.
  18. Edge

    Where am I?

    No, 200 miles off as the crow flies
  19. Edge

    Where am I?

    No sir, many ranges off.Where I am is named for this land mark.
  20. Edge

    Where am I?

    Sorry buddy but you're about 150 miles off.
  21. Edge

    Snow Crab Legs

    Aaaarrrrr maties, the mighty Snopac
  22. Edge

    Elk hunting in Grizzly country, which pistol?

    Ahhh good ol Jensen's Bill, where you been? Don't wait so long between posts.
  23. Edge

    Elk hunting in Grizzly country, which pistol?

    With several thousand hours logged in at the dojo, you wouldn't need a firearm... https://www.yahoo.com/news/japanese-man-uses-karate-skills-fight-off-snarling-095625206.html And after kicking the bear's butt, mano y mano, the 63 year old took his fish too.haha
  24. Edge

    $2m well spent.... on deer vasectomies

    Not "the people," it's the liberal government.
  25. Edge

    Snow Crab Legs

    Opies!!! I fished crabs in AK '98-'00. You may need to get ahold of a wholesale seafood co like Snopac or Icecicle foods in Seattle. Comes in 55# boxes, ask for #1 clusters can be mailed overnite, flash frozen. Price not too bad if you have a couple others go in on it with you. PS snow crab season is Jan till Mar, good luck.