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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Anybody on the west side who bleaches skulls?

    No one remembers prices? That's ok I just remembered last year's Coues head is still in the freezer
  2. Edge

    Roof tiles

    buy extras, specially if you're going to be walking on any.
  3. Edge

    Damned coons

    ok, that's funny. Same thing happened to me on 24St and Thomas.
  4. Edge

    First bull

    Good deal
  5. Edge

    Damned coons

    U sure dat wasn't a woof wat?
  6. Edge

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    You said "OUR", lol.
  7. Edge

    WTB Muletape

    Been using the tape for years high lining animals where escape could mean a long hike. Makes good replacement halter and reins too
  8. Edge

    Velvet coues down

    Great buck. Is that an Indian ruin you're in, top picture?
  9. Edge


    Yep. You can use a firearm but the 1/4 mile rule applies. If there is an "occupied structure" closer than 1/4 mile then a pellet gun or bow are your options. Technically, 1/4 mile rule applies to hunting this bobcat too, yes? You'll have the permission of the homeowner (gf) but not nessisarily the neighbours, so no weapon is an option. Just trying to look at this thru the eyes of a warden. G&F would probably trap and remove it for you.
  10. Edge

    Happy birthday to my Hero!

    I can't tell you how many parallels I can draw between our dads. Mine too has out lived 4 sisters WWII vet Dropped out of school to support family Recently revealed out of the blue how he wished he could have finished school. Born and raised in Erie...... I'm happy for you Bob and wish him a happy birthday and many, many more.
  11. Edge

    Damned coons

    you guys still trap them?
  12. Edge

    Happy birthday to my Hero!

    Lot of parallels to my dad from the Erie area Bob, must be something in the lake water. They don't make them like that anymore.
  13. Edge

    Damned coons

    I have seen coons & badgers hit right there also We had a big ol badger hit in the road just a few hundred yards north of my coon sighting on 163rd
  14. Edge


    Dang, that's an artillery piece. I'm still hurting over mine stolen 20 years ago
  15. Edge

    Damned coons

    PBS Nature RACCOON NATION Feb 07, 2012 Geography: The raccoon is native to North America and can be found throughout the United States, except for parts of the Rocky Mountains, and southwestern states like Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. New World Encyclopedia: New habitats that have recently been occupied by raccoons (aside from urban areas) include mountain ranges, such as the Western Rocky Mountains, prairies, and coastal marshes. After a population explosion starting in the 1940s, the estimated number of raccoons in North America in the late 1980s was 15 to 20 times higher than in the 1930s, when raccoons were comparatively rare. Urbanization, the expansion of agriculture, deliberate introductions, and the extermination of natural predators of the raccoon have probably caused this increase in abundance and distribution.[5] I believe they've always been in wet areas of AZ, but their range and population has exploded. I'm trying to find an article I read last night published by the U of A regarding 19th century fur trappers in AZ unable to locate raccoons here.
  16. Edge

    Damned coons

    I'm trying to find that, read it years ago when there weren't many around, think it was Natl Geographic. The notion that they are not 'indigenous'is so ridiculous, maybe they edited that out. Like allforelk wrote, "unit 8 from the 80s on" kind of encapsulates it, they've spread like hogs in TX. My earliest and for years, only encounter with them was at Colossal Cave in 1977. I didn't know one was in a trash can and when I pushed the lid open it grabbed the bag from me. Scared the crap out of me. Coons are damned smart too. About 17 years ago I was living in WA. There was a koi pond outside my bedroom porch. Heard a ruckus one night and it was a pair of coons working together to catch fish. One coon was in the pond herding the kois to the opposite end of the pond where his partner was lying on the edge and scooping the fish onto the land.
  17. Edge

    Damned coons

    Well, we've already covered a third of the state. At what point are they considered indigenous? Crap, I best double up my efforts to secure the ducks and chickens.
  18. Edge

    The Harvest Moon

    I went varmit calling under the full moon. Didn't seem too bright and while driving home heard on the radio there had been a subtle eclipse.
  19. Edge

    Coues Gunz!

    Winchester 88 in .243
  20. Edge

    Possibly moving to Colorado

    I hauled horses in and out of Freely. Where ever there's stock yards, there's cutting horses. Yup, smells there and the wind seems to never stop. It's just north of the airport so traffic on the main arteries and toll roads too.
  21. Great pics, GreyGhost. I feel lucky just seeing sheep tracks today in 42. Closest I've got was in Banff in the early 70's. Dad lured one with an apple into our motorhome, it actually stuck it's head in for photos.
  22. Edge


    .22 subsonic
  23. Her corruption knows no bounds: http://observer.com/2016/09/exclusive-hillary-clinton-campaign-systematically-overcharging-poorest-donors/
  24. Edge

    Kit Fox habitat

    After an evening of predator calling I had two follow me 5 miles back to my vehicle. Of course having a squeaky toy in my pocket helped too. Had no inclination to shoot them.