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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Service those trailers

    Why hasn't That Guy called me?
  2. Edge

    Just got a hit

    Only hits I got was when my gf beat me up last nite. Honestly, think I may have a broken bone in my hand from blocking a punch to my throat. Memo to self: don't piss off cowgirls!
  3. Edge

    Service those trailers

    But the adventure and romance breaking down on Fish Creek Hill, you would substitute that for safety and convenience?
  4. Now I'll have to watch this.Someone else told me a story about drowning a buck years ago. Once I had just left my driveway when I see two bucks standing along the road. They started moving along and I thought I'd pace them and see what speed they'd hit. At 35mph and 50000 acres around them I eased up on the gas and they decided to run in front of me. I could not stop in time on the dirt road and clipped one. He went butt over tincups and broke off both antlers. I stopped and went over and kicked him and to my surprise he got up and shaked the cobwebs out. Realizing I was there he started shaking his head at me like he still had a rack. Then ran and rejoined his buddy. Good thing the rut was over, he'd been a laughing stock at the mule deer games.
  5. Edge


    Screw this. I might never step foot in the hills again if this happened to me. Freaks me out just reading something like this.I have a late tag in the Southern units and I hope I dont see one.. Hate them !Almost sat on one in 35b last year on Nov 30th. It was fairly chilly they were out that late at 5500 ft.I'm no herpetologist but I believe the higher elevation they live the more acclimated they become. I noticed fang marks and swelling on one of my mares legs. It was 7000' where I lived. I walked back up the trail a couple hundred feet and found the rattler coiled up with scattered snow on the ground. Must have been only 40'F out. It was lethargic but able to strike just before I dispatched it with a 12ga.
  6. Day long shooting hours are in specific units and not all of them mandate the use of shotguns.
  7. Edge


    They're certainly out, had one in my driveway last night.
  8. I agree the point system is terrible, I lived in NM where they had a min. forked horn restriction, didn't seem to help. We also raised orphaned mule deer bucks on several occasions and though they started their horn growth as spikes, they certainly grew into large bucks with great racks in several years.
  9. Edge

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Haha, he's YOUR Bradford! Loved the pass where the Vikings receiver was hit in the back if the head with the pass. Looked like classic slapstick. Lol I think that was Cutler who hit Jeffery in the back of the helmet Maybe, I missed the first three quarters. Hard to believe the Bears played like that and still spanked the Vikings. And to the worst team in the division, oh my. Sorry buddy, hope they get their mojo back.
  10. Edge

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Haha, he's YOUR Bradford! Loved the pass where the Vikings receiver was hit in the back if the head with the pass. Looked like classic slapstick. Lol
  11. Edge

    One busy puudy tat

    Were I to witness this cat in action, would I enjoy the show for some time or just drop it? Probably the latter.
  12. Edge

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Since losing $20 on the game Sunday, the Cards will have trouble getting my support again this season. Go Broncos!
  13. Edge

    One busy puudy tat

    But what if that food cache it's burying is your mother in-law? Would that change things?
  14. Edge

    12A East Early Hunt

    I need to go back and read the story. Have had a bad habit since pubicence of looking at pics and skipping the article.
  15. Edge

    12A East Early Hunt

    Great looking ol buck, a bruiser.
  16. Edge

    Utah General Rifle Success!!!!!!

    Take a measurement yet? Weigh him? Told you there's monsters there, good shooting.
  17. probably dirty ice cream truck drivers. The union is Teamsters, dad drove 40 years accident and ticket free including several years delivering dynamite and nitro glycerin to PA coal mines.
  18. Edge

    Utah General Rifle Success!!!!!!

    Beautiful, well done sir.
  19. I'm driving an F350 6.0L with nearly 300000 miles on it. I drive like granny going to church. It's like driving on eggshells. Ironically, the only time I think I've ever stomped on the accelerator is at emissions testing.
  20. I've only had the pleasure of coming down I-17 twice the last couple weeks including last night. Both times traffic came to a standstill. Weeks ago it was a minor fender bender, last night a car with a flat, trooper changing the tire. Both were way off the road so wtf?
  21. Edge

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    The Vikes appear to be doing OK so far this season. Lol But against the Eagles, Bradford needs rearview mirrors.