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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    What am I

  2. Edge

    Brett's Big Tom

    Good job buddy! You're good timing resulted in some feline bad timing. Beautiful cat!
  3. Edge

    Cuttin' loose

    How many of you have freed a beast from certain death? I've cut a horse, elk calf and antelope loose. Watched from the Jeep as a kid while my dad pulled a bucket off a bull's muzzle.
  4. My Yankee cousin sent me pics of a similar looking WT deer in PA. If the color mutation affects deer like it does horses, dogs; etc, the mutation can be more than skin deep. The pattern looks a lot like the Frame Overo gene. One copy of the gene can cause the animal to crop out in the white 50% of the time. So an animal can have the mutant gene and look normal too or splashed with white. The gene can also cause deafness or if both copies of the gene are passed on, a lethal condition in the intestines causes death within days of birth. I'm certain there are biologists out there that would like some of that deer's DNA.
  5. Edge

    Packing Just Becoues

    Better yet, let's go where there's deer. Meanwhile I'll look for a draft mule for ya, big buddy. Is that clydesdale ready for my fat a$$ yet? We'll find something for you to ride.
  6. Edge

    Packing Just Becoues

    Better yet, let's go where there's deer. Meanwhile I'll look for a draft mule for ya, big buddy.
  7. Edge

    Range Day/Indian Tacos

    I love that jewel of AZ
  8. Edge

    Spandex Mafia

    Were you late for confession?
  9. Edge

    Packing Just Becoues

    When you want to go? Been taking somebody new every year.
  10. Edge

    Quick tag question...

    Got stumped with a question from a Hunt for Heroes vet... Can a 13 year old junior obtain/fill a lion tag before getting his Hunter Safety Course? Certainly the answer is buried in the regs but I have company at the moment, looking for an answer.
  11. Edge

    sitting out opening day

    Good luck, gentleman. Don't forget to post pics!
  12. Edge

    Quick tag question...

    This is what I told him but I did not ask when he turned 14
  13. Edge

    Smoked Turkey tips please

    I always wrap my bird in bacon before smoking. For days afterwards I have breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared.
  14. ..we learned how to shoot before reading and writing and how to handle horses too
  15. Edge

    My first Coues

    Was down in T-town on Tues, the parents 67th wedding anniversary. Looked thru a couple photo albums and got a renewed appreciation for the rich hunting and fishing heritage my folks have passed on to me. Sorry for reflections, pictures of pictures My first Coues, me and the uncle 1972 Chiricahuas Dad and a royal 8pt. About 1970 Gmu 27 Would love to have that GMC back but still have the. 06 Gamemaster Yeah, dad could fish... Thanks ma and pa. I remember my last ride in that '48 Willis And please, take the time to pass that heritage down... Me and son, Shawn 1989 (look at the determined chin on that boy as he kicks butt with his great grandfather's pistola lol
  16. We got a hundred dollar offer from Prdtr, anybody else? Thanks man. I will do a free axle service on any trailer loaned to us. That's about a $200 value on a tandem
  17. Edge

    New Bar display

    Maybe ad a pair of grandpa's spurs?
  18. Edge

    New Bar display

    Love it
  19. Edge

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Only a Vikings fan would think the refs screwed both teams.
  20. Edge

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    I've ridden for the XX out in Mezcal. Guess we weren't raunchy enough to earn that third X
  21. Edge

    Major Dan Rooney - Fighter Pilot

    I too saw Maj Rooney's interview this morning. What an inspirational man, he had me looking into his charity with "High speed, Low drag."
  22. Edge

    You know you are a redneck when....

    interesting coincidink, I just posted this earlier..... If a buddy drops by to borrow your mule, ya might be a redneck.
  23. There's not much market for commemorative coins with the possible exception of US minted commemorative coins of historical or collective value. Hopefully they're uncirculated and stored properly. Don't clean them or you'll harm their value. Good luck with that. But don't take less than spot like Vowell said for any precious metal I've been buying and selling silver since the mid 70's and have done well at it. I recently found sterling medals given out to the German Wehrmacht in the '30s for completing Alpine skiing and shooting courses. Turns out they're not too scarce and bring maybe double spot prices. You should look online and see if any of your silver coin years are sought after by collector's before scraping them.
  24. Edge

    Packing Just Becoues

    You don't know AARP!