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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    'Filmed in AZ' favorites...

    Night of the Lepus was filmed at Colossal Cave. I worked there in the 70's. Asked the manager about the ball bearings I was finding all over the cave and he said those were used to make the Lepus leap.
  2. Mike's Birthday today, he's like 30 or something. Don't get too crazy dude.
  3. Edge

    Lake Pleasant Stiper Fishing - What to expect

    Restocked with an invasive species?
  4. Cool find. We came across a dead bear a couple miles NW of Circlestone three years ago. Not sure I could find Circlestone again with out electronics, that's about as remote as you can get in that unit.
  5. You know they're young when their head is still in velvet.
  6. Why limit ourselves to self deprecation? A great thread for outing other baby killers too. Had to do several retakes of this pic, Duane's pinky's were covering this fawns rack... Bwahaha.
  7. 2014 buck... What can I say, I was running low on beer and pizza.
  8. Documenting my dinkey would take up too much band width.
  9. Edge

    Planting a Food plot

    Alfalfa, crestedwheat, brohms...All permanent pasture. I was buying seed from this CWT member who worked at Fertizona. He's moved back to Sonoita http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/user/2208-uofahughes2/
  10. Edge

    Planting a Food plot

    Plant alfalfa. There's alfalfa designed for your elevation and non irrigated. It's a 20 year plant and puts nitrogen into the soil while its roots bust it up. No tilling, no rows, no drilling. You can broadcast it by hand or with a grass seeder. Drag the land with a tine using your truck, broadcast it and then drag again with a non tine drag. Can plant grasses with it including rye if you want a winter forage. I grew the dryland alfalfa with a Eurasian grass at 7000' and the deer and elk came back for it year after year. Corn is tough to grow in the desert. Several years ago I planted an acre of sweet corn, fenced it and tried to shoot every critter that tresspassed. Tough to do when 10000 starlings descended on it and wiped it out. If I were to try again I would try and plant some maze.
  11. Edge

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    I'll take about a gross of those 1911s at $39.95. Friend of mine has the foreign legion rifle. If I recall it was built by Remington and takes an 8mm rimfire. Golden State Arms back when the Golden state hadn't lost its collective mind. This flyer reminds me of all the military arms you could pick up at the pawnshops when I was a kid. My dad should have got me that M1918 BAR back before there was any paper work involved.
  12. Edge

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    Why can't we get pics of these treasures? Hearing about them without seeing them is about as frustrating as an evening at the titty bar.
  13. Edge

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    He says it's a .30-06, not an 8mm.Like Lee said, need a pic of the opposite side of breech, barrel. not original barrel. tapered. several companies after wwii were installing 2-grove springfield barrels on mauser 98's w fajen stocks. i had one stamped santa fe rifle co. lee good stuff, lee; of course it's a different barrel.
  14. Edge

    Feds going hog wild stupid in Havasu

    Can they be hunted before the feds take them out?
  15. Edge

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    Awesome... Please please please post pics
  16. Edge

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    He says it's a .30-06, not an 8mm. Like Lee said, need a pic of the opposite side of breech, barrel.
  17. Edge

    Wilderness Athlete products

    I used to suffer mighty after a hike. Middle of the night I'd be rolling out of my sack with cramps from heck in my thighs. And if I tried to enjoy a beer with dinner, the Charlie horses were 10x. One evening a friend saw me suffering and introduced me to a magnesium supplement called CALM. Ain't suffered since and a big can of the powder is about $16. But don't take too much or you'll find it's a great laxative too.
  18. Edge

    "I Love You" Hunter Style

    I sent out a few Valentine's wishes...
  19. Edge

    "I Love You" Hunter Style

    Like Curly of 'Mice and Men?'
  20. So I spent the morning doing some research into this heirloom and its components and here's what I learned: This rifle was manufactured in March 1952, years earlier than I had thought making it 65 years old next month. The date codes are plainly visible on the barrel. The Weaver V4.5 scope was manufactured in El Paso, TX sometime shortly after Weaver first introduced the variable power rifle scope in 1950. These scopes are 7/8" steel tube and Weaver did all the glass coating, polishing and tube bluing in house. Thousands of the scopes were sent to Korea for sniper use. There are no serial numbers or manufacture dates on the scopes. One thing that makes this particular scope a little more rare is it's post and wire reticle resembling the Zeiss II German style. Is the glass still clear and hold on Zero? It's glass is remarkabley clear, never fogs and the turret caps haven't been off for adjustment in memory. The early 740s were not predrilled for scopes. One way around this was the Stith drilless scope mounts. Stith CO had been around since the early 1900s teaming up with optic manufacturers to provide adjustable mounts for scope tubes, since in the beginning stages of glass optics the windage and elevation adjustments were made in the mount and not in the scope. These mounts were machined in the basement of an accounting firm in downtown San Antonio TX. The mounts had to be ordered for your specific scope and weapon. These mounts were selling for about $27 a set in 1952 as was the Weaver variable scope (combined, nearly $500 in today's currency). By adding the scope and mounts to your 760, you would have easily doubled the original cost of your Remington pump rifle. That was big bucks 65 years ago when the annual medium income was about $1500. Stith was acquired by Redfield in 1956. Hard to imagine but originally the entire mount was blued.
  21. 1956 2016 Only change is the 10round mag and the quick impromptu 303 cord sling. Ya know your gun has got some miles on it when you've worn out a good thick leather sling.
  22. Winner winner. The 760 was used by James Earl Ray to assassinate MLK in '68. It also led Congress to enact the 1968 Gun Control Act
  23. Edge

    Coatimundis toes eaten off

    Eat her liver with a Pinot noir and a fava bean pilaf?Don't eat that liver. Could quite literally be toxic. Good call on the Pinot though, Chianti might run the subtle flavor of antidepressants right over.Of course not a Chianti, you drunken genius. In my mind's taste buds, the chemicals and alcohol are playfully chasing each other across my palate now.
  24. Edge

    Coatimundis toes eaten off

    Eat her liver with a Pinot noir and a fava bean pilaf?