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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Educate me on freshwater fishing AK

    Meh, only 481 miles.
  2. Edge

    Educate me on freshwater fishing AK

    I've never taken a firearm on a plane, what's the rules on that and ammo?
  3. Edge

    Educate me on freshwater fishing AK

    I'll give them a try.
  4. Edge

    Photo Radar

    Grand is US60. My ol lady couldn't drive to work without tripping the El Mirage cameras, always late. I remember the parade of servers knocking on the door and looking through the front window. Even had one guy come into the backyard and bang on the rear door. He could have been shot.
  5. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Was snowing in Wickenburg a short while ago. Probabl 3rd or 4th time this season.
  6. Local forecast was for less than 1/2" today. We've received a whole lot more including thunder.
  7. What a sweet Valentines gift.
  8. Edge

    What the …

    That dude belongs in a psyche ward before he hurts someone. He definitely needs a hold and evaluation.
  9. Dang global warming
  10. Wait till you read this, I'm in Waddell and am getting a mix of rain and snow. I shoot you not. And there's wrecks everywhere, looks like a microburst along the 303 may have blown several vehicles off the road.
  11. Super Bowl Champion Kills Menacing Mountain Lion with Bow & Arrow https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2023/01/20/super-bowl-champion-kills-menacing-mountain-lion-with-bow-arrow/
  12. Edge

    Wtb used horse shoes

    Sounds like your prayers were answered. For a quick clean up of em soak em in muratic acid.
  13. Edge

    Wtb used horse shoes

    I have buckets of them
  14. Edge

    Who’s in ?

    Still got 169.5 hours to decide, bonus point or draw. No rush.
  15. Edge

    Trap line hunting

    17-239. Wildlife depredations; investigations; corrective measures; disposal; reports; judicial review A. Any person suffering property damage from wildlife may exercise all reasonable measures to alleviate the damage.
  16. Edge

    Trap line hunting

    Wait, what? I had a face to face with the bobcat, 3am a couple weeks ago. Would love a do over. Some things I'd change like having a .410, pants and shoes on.
  17. Edge

    Trap line hunting

    Yeah, got someone coming by tomorrow.
  18. The last time I went to Ben Avery would be my last. It seemed forever between cease fires and I felt the RSOs were a little abrasive. If I see a safety issue at WSC, it's addressed in a stern yet adult way. No one is dressed down. If someone is a repeat offender or doesn't want to heed the rules they're asked to vacate and their membership will be reviewed. If they refuse to leave, the town cops or SO will remove them. Ya just got to know how to talk to the LE dispatcher so a Tactical team doesn't respond. I have the range to myself once the Temps go over 80°F.
  19. Edge

    Trap line hunting

    I couldn't find any at the Family Dollar, is it in the pet isle? Yeah I just need to get rid of one for now, I probably should have explained. Sad but true. I have parts from a duck one killed in my trap now. Worked the last time.
  20. I belong to the Wickenburg Sportsmens Club east of the town. Its private and you have to live within 20 miles of downtown to become a member. There's several bays and cover for rifles and pistol, skeet. A thousand yard range and 3d archery course are in the works. The range is self regulated since it sits mostly dormant once the snowbirds and ropers head home. If you meet Membership requirements, have a member sponsor you, an RSO meets with you to judge your range and firearm safety knowledge. The club wants to have RSOs on hand at the range and will put any volunteers through the NRAs RSO course on the clubs dime. Eventually the range will have to be regulated by an RSO at all range times just to meet the town and insurance needs. Scores of club members stepped up and got certified to insure the range stays open.
  21. Edge

    eotech g33 price check

    A friend of mine has the EOTech 518 for sale $400 obo.
  22. Edge

    Balloon shot

  23. A .40 Barrel to fit a Glock 29
  24. Edge

    Looking for .40 barrel FOUND

    Here's a good article on the subject. https://aliengearholsters.com/blog/can-a-38-special-shoot-357/