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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Tucson Police Officer gone Viral

    No bro, libs will eat anyone that doesn't drink their koolaid. Look how they treat Justice Thomas and Dr Carson. They are probably trying to dig up dirt on him right now. No bro, libs will eat anyone that doesn't drink their koolaid. Look how they treat Justice Thomas and Dr Carson. They are probably trying to dig up dirt on him right now. maybe, but i doubt it. A cop, strike 1Black and logical, strike two, Using social media to share a conservative view point, strike three. The libtards are salivating.
  2. Edge

    Tucson Police Officer gone Viral

    No bro, libs will eat anyone that doesn't drink their koolaid. Look how they treat Justice Thomas and Dr Carson. They are probably trying to dig up dirt on him right now.
  3. Edge

    What happened here?

    AsiensFixed it
  4. Edge

    Volunteer Game Deputies

    A group of people I trail ride with thought it would be fun to join search and rescue. The leader of the group couldn't ride and was timid. The other members couldn't pass the background and drug tests, its the same process as hiring deputies. At the end of the day my GF was the lone participant. But thank goodness they've never been activated, they get lost riding in their own hoods. But it is a nice tax write-off on a couple horses.
  5. Edge

    WTB Used Camaro

    Do you know what iroc stands for? Ok I'll bite, what does it stand for?Anything like Pontiac? I know what Pontiac stands for. Do I have to take a knee now? Great segway
  6. Edge

    WTB Used Camaro

    Do you know what iroc stands for? Ok I'll bite, what does it stand for?Anything like Pontiac?
  7. Edge

    What happened here?

    I have found several such skulls/ skeletons. Figured died of wounds, auto strike etc. Personally I would have taken the entire skull.
  8. Edge

    Taking a Knee...

    I turned on the news last night long enough to see the jerk offs disrespecting my flag and anthem in a foreign country. I'd like to be-ach slap everyone of the simpletons. The players and leagues that want to allow this crap will never see a dime from me. Their sponsors should be boycotted and the stadiums, ghost towns.
  9. Edge

    What do you guys think?

    Someone who got to this vets bull last week about the same time he did, snapped this pic. It's Reverence for a creature Harvested. Made me appreciate the hunter even more.
  10. Edge

    Tag Donation

    Sorry to hear mom's not well. What unit is the tag for?
  11. Edge

    Archery 6x6 Bull Down

    Nice job, Charlie. No one deserves that more than you.
  12. The disabled veteran I'm guiding knocked down a beautiful bull. We're off Main Rd where it turns to Wilderness past the Doll Baby Ranch. Early morning, look for the black mega cab Dodge Cummins 2016
  13. Edge


    Hey I like seeing two legged mules earning their oats. My hunter is hurting today and my azz is sorely in need of exercise, been having the pack animals do all the work. But they got some jobs coming up this fall with some hunts and just having them along is more work than some would like. Great meeting you Lee, Martin, Bill, Ty, Derrick. Call me if you need help
  14. Edge

    What do you guys think?

    This happened to me once when I was just a kid. Put a deer down only to find Darrell and his other cousin Darrell at my deer ready to murder me and hide the body. Move on and keep hunting.
  15. Edge

    Bull down help appreciated

    We almost hit you near River View Ranch.
  16. Edge

    Bull down help appreciated

    We located this bull feeding on a hillside along the Mazatzals Wilderness close to the east fork of the Verde. We had to make a wide approach due to the wind but setup for the shot at 209 yards. We had spent the previous week practicing out to 200 with his T/C so we were dialed in with the .50 Cal Barnes 250gr sabots pushed by 150 grains of red hot. First shot lunged him and he swung his big butt around to us. Was nearing 630pm before he quarted away and John put the next round thru his spine. We were exhausted and ill prepared at this point, dark and no moon, couldn't see your hand in front of your face. We did good just to make it back to the Ranger. Weather cooperated and got chilly out and the meat was good. A big thanks to all the hunters who came out to lend a hand Lee, RUM300 Martin and Donnie. Derek for helping us scout last week and Tom Wagner for his hard work with AES. This well deserving vet survived being stabbed in Graneda, shot thru the tibula in Mogadishu, hit three times with IEDs in Iraq not to mention numerous parachuting mishaps. I found him to be a humble, humorous man whom loves his country, family and of course, hunting! And true to his word, I found no quit in him. .
  17. Edge

    Bull down help appreciated

    Or text Tom at 480 760-3868
  18. Edge

    Bull down help appreciated

    Or text Tom at 480 760-3868
  19. Edge

    Bull down help appreciated

    Not seeing the pmText
  20. Edge

    Bull down help appreciated

    Texting is best, I'm at 623 707-3420
  21. Edge

    Game processors near Payson?

    Yes and they're donating their processing services free to vets in the Hunts for Heroes program which this tag falls under. Wildwood thanks for the help.
  22. Edge

    Good Family Could Use Some Help

    if you pm me, I'd like to donate a hand forged hunting knife for Tanner's raffle I'll be incommunicado though for next several days but I'm making certain my pm box is cleaned out.