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Everything posted by Edge

  1. They can be tough to spot when downing oysters and shots at Hooters.
  2. Beautiful buck. Did you target him specifically or come across him by chance?
  3. Edge

    Can Someone Explain This?

    North Phoenix, Cave Creek area?
  4. Edge

    RCBS 357mag/38spl DIES-SOLD

    Still available?
  5. For a neighbor, looking to do either wood or simulated wood floor in her home.
  6. Edge

    Taurus 740 Slim .40 caliber pistol

    Did I miss the price?
  7. Edge

    Hunt note clarify ?

    Partial credit! Actually the state hunting regs allowed municipalities to supercede the state reg. if municipalities wanted to allow hunting but thought 1/4 mile wasn't prudent. EX: I hunt a lot in Peoria, Metro unit. Minimum distance discharging a firearm to an occupied structure, while hunting or target practising in Peoria, is 1 mile.
  8. Edge

    They are getting trickier

    She was safer with her coyote
  9. Edge

    They are getting trickier

    Top picture, bottom left dude looks like he's carrying another piggyback? Maybe a snake bite or twisted ankle along the trail? I have seen plenty of illegals but none armed so far. I think I'd have to keep the armed one covered. F them.
  10. Edge


    Desert or Sulcata?
  11. Edge

    Diesel Machanic nw valley????

    Been using Forged in Fire, in Wittman.
  12. Edge

    What broadhead brotherhood member is this?

    lmao I searched "hunting" on craigslist Man I hope that was some kind of an ‘inside joke’. I don’t have much faith in people as it is, I can hardly stand to think there’s a tool of that magnitude running around the woods. But he's got new equipment and you should too. Don't apply if you've removed the price tags.
  13. Edge

    What broadhead brotherhood member is this?

    So TrphyHntr, when y'all hooking up?
  14. Edge


    Great deal
  15. Edge

    Taking a Knee...

    What about him? He is the New Orleans Saints problem now. Bwahaha
  16. Edge

    Taking a Knee...

    New poll, NFL in last 30 days went from favorite to least liked sport in all professional and college games having lost 31% of core fans. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/shock-poll-nfl-now-least-liked-sport-core-fans-down-31/article/2636837
  17. Edge

    Taking a Knee...

    How it all began...
  18. Edge

    Late elk prep

    That stove will look good in my tent. Don't forget a hanger for my socks.
  19. Edge


    Woua line for what? A point at which it's no longer about just the second amendment and what should be available to the public. I think that if the founding fathers knew the direction firearms would eventually go with full auto, bump stocks, mass murder etc. I think they might have had some things added to the amendment. I'm not for gun control generally speaking. I have no problem with AR's, silencers etc but I also see a practical use for them. I don't see much practical use for full auto. And yes I get that shooting full auto has got to be fun as heck and I would love to, but if there's no practical use I don't think it should be available to the public. Come on.. even the NRA is speaking out on this one. Has nothing to do with giving up freedoms. Would outlawing bump stocks prevent the massacres? No. Nor would it have prevented any other massacre, Sandy Hook, Columbine, 9/11, OK City etc, etc. Were bump stock used?If you want rapid fire from your AR, finger your belt loop and push forward on the fore stock, instant bump stock. Outlaw belt loops? Besides, anyone with half a brain can build a bump stock in a couple hours. Where do you draw the line? Any freedom taken away is a freedom lost forever. Understand the 2nd amendment, it's not there so you can shoot skeet, it's there to fight an oppressive government. It protects all other amendments and as it is eroded, so are all other rights. NRA has been wrong in the past and they're wrong again. I'm in agreement with most of what your saying. After columbine, sandy hook and any other tragedy I never once thought that guns were the problem. No they didn't use bump stocks and thank God for that because it would have been waaaay worse. This last event is the only one that ever made me think that a line should be drawn at least somewhere though. Yes we should draw the line on hypocritical liberals. 50-60 people are shot and killed in Cook County Il, monthly which has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation but you won't hear a peep out of the Dems because they've been in charge of that septic pool for about a century. Hate whole sale murder? Close Planned Parenthood.
  20. Edge


    Woua line for what? A point at which it's no longer about just the second amendment and what should be available to the public. I think that if the founding fathers knew the direction firearms would eventually go with full auto, bump stocks, mass murder etc. I think they might have had some things added to the amendment. I'm not for gun control generally speaking. I have no problem with AR's, silencers etc but I also see a practical use for them. I don't see much practical use for full auto. And yes I get that shooting full auto has got to be fun as heck and I would love to, but if there's no practical use I don't think it should be available to the public. Come on.. even the NRA is speaking out on this one. Has nothing to do with giving up freedoms. Would outlawing bump stocks prevent the massacres? No. Nor would it have prevented any other massacre, Sandy Hook, Columbine, 9/11, OK City etc, etc. Were bump stock used? If you want rapid fire from your AR, finger your belt loop and push forward on the fore stock, instant bump stock. Outlaw belt loops? Besides, anyone with half a brain can build a bump stock in a couple hours. Where do you draw the line? Any freedom taken away is a freedom lost forever. Understand the 2nd amendment, it's not there so you can shoot skeet, it's there to fight an oppressive government. It protects all other amendments and as it is eroded, so are all other rights. NRA has been wrong in the past and they're wrong again.
  21. Edge

    Taking a Knee...

    Maybe not. I drive by a venue frequently in Peoria that is having overflow crowds during college games and looking not so good during NFL games. People Flock to VA Bar to Support Owner Who’s Not Showing NFL Games: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/10/02/people-flock-to-va-bar-to-support-owner-whos-not-showing-nfl-games-lets-all-be-proud-americans/
  22. Edge


    And many more...