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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Gun safe

    My sister is selling a Cabelas, I believe 25 or 30 made by Liberty. Comes with the safe alert to let you know if it's being tampered with and monitors the humidity. I'll get clarification soon as I hear back from her. Safe is about 6 months old.
  2. Edge

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

    On holidays especially, I like to thank a vet. Calling dad shortly, served in WWII, US Navy. Y'all have a good one, post your turkeys.
  3. Edge

    WTB Muzzle Loader

    If you buy an inline do yourself a favor and buy a primer loading tool.
  4. Edge

    2017 NM Coues Buck

    Good job, great buck!
  5. Edge


    What a great guy, happy Thanksgiving.
  6. Edge

    Best skinning knife

    Why not make your own? I started several tonight from 4140 steel given to me by 5GuysHuntin. Just got to work on the bevel and grip some more and add the ironwood scales. Etch ol Glory into the blade and ready for late rifle elk.
  7. Edge

    Kimber Classic 300 wsm with Zeiss conquest

    Hope it sells!
  8. Edge

    Great find

    Was at a cousin's house today, check out these narly sheds with drop tines..
  9. Edge

    Great find

    Well done, sir.
  10. Edge

    Great find

    Awesome rack.
  11. Edge

    Great find

    yes, 10; post a pic.Sent my cousin a link, maybe he'll chime in
  12. Edge

    Great find

    Same buck, found together.
  13. Drayson does great work. Why would anyone live in an HOA?
  14. Edge

    Draysen's Mule Deer Hunt

    Great buck, buddy
  15. Edge

    Strange Night

    Out late glassing in 24B, I'm usually getting ready for bed at this hour. Leaving my horses pasture the fields lit up a silver blue. A meteor streaked overhead for several seconds then exploded over Phoenix. Always cool seeing these extraterrestrial visitors, I'm still hoping to find one someday. Pulled into the driveway and went inside to eat when shortly the dogs went off. I look out front and my yard is full of wild burros. They're attacking the bales of hay in my truck bed, must have been more than two dozen. Anybody else see the meteor? Folks as far north as Flagstaff called news stations. Video: http://theweek.com/speedreads/737519/what-strange-light-over-phoenix-last-night
  16. Edge

    The mules are out

    Good job Brian. Wish I could have been there for that. And good luck with the elk tag, Gov!
  17. Edge

    Interstate 11 ?

    I saw that on the news. There goes on of my favorite coyote calling spots.
  18. Edge


    Here's how I was taught; two chains, four wheel drive, place them on the front and rear wheels that have the power going to them. One front, one back and diagonal from one another is all I ever needed.
  19. Edge

    Blocking FS Road !!!

    I encountered a similar roadblock on 7 Springs Rd yesterday. They gave me some mumbo-jumbo about an injured hiker up the mountain. Hurry up, my beer needs ice, morons.
  20. This could have been me. Couple years ago I was so exhausted after hunting/hiking when I got back to the truck with deer and rifle, I laid the model 88 on the gunwales of the truck bed. I thought at the time I couldn't forget it their but I could forget it had it been in the bed. It rode there all the way down from the Reavis Trailhead to Gilbert where I realized my mistake and what an idiot I am.
  21. They can be tough to spot when downing oysters and shots at Hooters.
  22. Beautiful buck. Did you target him specifically or come across him by chance?