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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Yup, complete with push button transmission.
  2. Here's what my dad gave my sister to drive when she turned 16.
  3. Edge

    WTB Winchester Model 1897

    Thanks, I had no idea.
  4. Edge

    WTB Winchester Model 1897

    Interesting, I have one in 16ga I don't shoot anymore. PM me your number and I'll consider it.
  5. Edge

    HaPpY EaSteR

    Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.
  6. Edge

    Dies, Molds, Projos

    I have dies in .40/10mm, 38/357, .41 and .45ACP. If interested, I'll look up the brand, mostly Lee and Pacific $20 per set Lee Bullet Molds .356 125gr round nose, double cavity. $20 .452 190gr SWC $20 Hornady 45 cal .458 350gr RN $20 SWC .429 200gr 100 CT $20 8mm 8mm 195gr 106 CT $10
  7. Edge

    Dies, Molds, Projos

    Hornady 45 bullets SPF
  8. Edge

    Dies, Molds, Projos

    Hundreds of lubed 230gr, RN .41 bullets, make an offer.
  9. Edge

    Huge Grain Silo

    Pm sent
  10. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Far less Bermuda and alfalfa too, driving hay prices through the roof. Flood irrigation will be done here only by the big ag corporations and rich foreign entities.Add the cost of diesel and owning horses are for the well to do, eating beef will be a costly meal. A fellow from Prescott last night told me they're already paying over $30 per bale of hay there.
  11. Used 650 XL Dillon with 3 die plates and numerous caliber die conversion kits unopened. I'll be listing dies separately. $350 Uniweld Co2, Argon gauges for Mig welding, NIB, $50 8mm Mauser bandolier with 140 rounds $50
  12. Edge

    Found One

    Laughed when I saw this on Facebook. Reminds me of the time I came across a drunk dude.in a.motorhome.in the middle of nowhere with WA.plates. Him and his wife were cussing and arguing about being lost and now they had a mule deer antler stuck in their tire.
  13. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    For decades, the Chinese, Saudis and other have been buying up our hay products and shipping them overseas, leaving less and less for us here trying to raise livestock. Now these foreign entities are buying up the farmlands and water rights too, it's insane we allow this. Then you have idiots in power here who turn the water off to farmers and allow fuel prices to soar while chasing their green utopian agenda. How many people at home need to starve or freeze to death before there's a change in attitudes?
  14. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    I read So Cals largest reservoir is full for the first time in years. I hope this water abundance, aids farmers whom had their irrigation spigots turned off. Especially hoping we can see some relief in hay prices and availability. But I won't get too hopeful, this Washington administration has proven its the enemy of consumers and farmers alike.
  15. Edge

    Head on a Swivel

    Or Glock...
  16. Edge

    Head on a Swivel

    In this new age of gender dystopia being created by the left, a lot of mentally ill individuals are lashing out against those whom dont want to share in their seperate reality. Im afraid this shooting is just the beginning of the twisted rage to be perpetrated. Church's, schools even comics aren't safe anymore. Boy did The Young Turks get it wrong.
  17. Edge

    Weather in Pine AZ?

    You're doing a side gig landscaping? Weather's fine at my place, come weed. $5 an hour and a Filberto burro.
  18. Sorry, my phone says you're an invalid recipient. Trying to send pics of steel targets.
  19. I'll text you pics of what I have when I get home
  20. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Yup we got about an 1/8" this morning north of Surprise.
  21. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    2"+ since this came out and snow/rain forecasted 6 of next 8 days.
  22. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    7 miles north of Morristown and its raining again.