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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Aunt Nancy Mowing the Lawn

    Makes sense, both documented and undocumented Democrats are snakes in the grass. Give the beatch credit for finally being honest, geeze.
  2. Edge

    Looking to buy a INREACH

    Question I like buying used when I can but if I found one on CL or something, can they be locked like a cell if they were lost or stolen? If yes, how are you going to know it'll even work until you've paid for service?
  3. Edge

    Incorrect Portal Information

    This is how it appears if I use my name in the portal. But enter my SSN as dept ID and it's all there.
  4. Edge

    Looking to buy a INREACH

    Conjunction, Junction what's your function.... Instead of saying the subscription rate is spendy, how much is it? Do you get so many characters per year or...? Spendy is subjective. I'm looking at spending half of each week in and out of cell reception. Glad you're alright, Smith2260.
  5. Edge

    Forum is censoring cute kittins. Even in pms. Wth.

    pee wee was entertaining, this weir clown is unsettling.
  6. No but they did put up a lot of no gun signs at various outlets. Regional manager said that decision was left to individual store managers. Enough of us called to complain and the sign came down for a while, haven't been in in some time.I support Fry's and hunt with several of their store managers.
  7. Edge

    Canvas Tents/Outfitters Tent Questions

    lolI had my floorless tent up recently in the desert. Each morning when I first awoke I'd look under the cot to make sure I was still alone....
  8. Thanks I needed a laugh
  9. Yes if you're going to boycott, stop spending money at Amazon.
  10. Edge

    Canvas Tents/Outfitters Tent Questions

    i plan on using a roll of outdoor turf/carpet for the floor. enough for the porch and tent and have a cut out for the stove Oh I put down a floor too, but that ain't the same as having a tent with a floor. You'll see.
  11. Edge

    Canvas Tents/Outfitters Tent Questions

    Take it from someone with no floor in their tent, get a floor in your tent.
  12. Edge

    Thinking about going solar

    I lived off the grid for 10 years and I'd gladly do it again. PV cells lose approx 1% a year so in 2038 they'll still be making 80% of their original juice. Its the batteries that are constantly going to be replaced over time. But if you alter your electrical lifestyle, and adapt, you won't need many batteries. Why would you go on the grid at night? That's when power consumption is the lowest. The idea of the batteries is to store the energy for later use. Propane stove, oven, water heater, fridge and freezer, pellet stove for heat and effcient pump or gravity water feed... It's all up to you to decide how much 110 or 220 you need to use. You'll need the grid power to run AC or a heat pump. I lived in UT when I was on solar, didn't have a cooling system. Personally I had 110V generator for those times I needed to float the batteries or run a mig welder. Put the inverter and batteries under ground if possible, the hum and fire potential is nerve racking.
  13. Edge

    lawn mower, Chevy Rims Make Offers

    Sorry, can't find a makers mark.
  14. Edge

    Winter Olympics

    Looks like he got a handful. He looks more uncomfortable than she, duh wonder why?
  15. Edge

    lawn mower, Chevy Rims Make Offers

    it runs good, starts easy. Blades sharp and catcher looks good. It'll need a new battery if you want to start electronically.Theyre $15 at Walmart. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Troy-Built-Tillers-Mower-Trimmer-Battery-Replacement-12V-2-7AH/993087126?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1685&adid=22222222228091938456&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=235222452361&wl4=pla-387956389618&wl5=9030160&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=112550064&wl11=online&wl12=993087126&wl13=&veh=sem
  16. Edge

    Winter Olympics

    No time for Olympics. But a cute little S Korean skater had a major wardrobe malfunction. Probably best footage of all events since the US won gold at hockey against the Ruskies decades ago. Really no reason to even review unless some of the queers Wipeout.
  17. Edge


    Great looking Trailer, good luck on your sale
  18. Edge

    Poor bear lol

    For shed hunters... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10216224053937680&id=1342369225&ref=homescreenbrowser&_rdr
  19. Edge


    I think there's one there and an old smelter stack in Dewey.
  20. Edge

    Poor bear lol

    I didn't think they took a shot, kept waiting for it.
  21. Edge

    Amanda, Clear out your inbox

    Makes me feel good that PRDATR is getting screwed How do you really feel?