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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Fishermen nearly won a tournament

    Fishermen Receive 10-Day Prison Sentences, Probation After Pleading Guilty to Cheating in Tournament https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2023/05/11/fishermen-receive-10-day-prison-sentences-probation-after-pleading-guilty-to-cheating-in-tournament/
  2. Edge

    Meanwhile out at Bartlett...

    I believe the trailers were parked near the lake and submerged by rising water when they weren't moved in time. PS Love my new ram.
  3. Edge

    78 Years Ago Today

    VE Day 1945
  4. Edge

    Meanwhile out at Bartlett...

    I think it was taken yesterday but that trailer and another one have been in the water for weeks.
  5. Edge

    N E 1 know this guy?

    So the dudes cargo pants catch fire as he tries to stomp his fire out. That would have been awesome.
  6. Edge

    N E 1 know this guy?

    Did you see him flinch when he thought he had a sixth round? Haha there is a resemblance
  7. Edge

    N E 1 know this guy?

    How stupid can one be? Hope he's caught and punished.
  8. Edge

    12 Years Ago Today

    Yeah shooting him in the face was cool but giving the American people proof would have offended some haters. A bad call. But I do believe he's dead. Conspiracy theorists had been batting a thousand up to now.
  9. Edge

    Anyone raise Turkey?

    We raise Royal Palms and its fun to watch the tom strut around. Not sure what your question is. We keep ours in a yard during the day with 6' tall.fence and lock them up in an aviary at night. They like to roost as high as they can get so it's a delicate balance knowing how much wing to clip and still enable them to roost high off the ground. Helps if they have an old dead tree with limbs to get up. Turkeys are one of bobcats favorite prey. You've got to enclose them at night, roof and floor too. Still might have some taken in the daylight by predators. Our turkeys put themselves away at dusk, we just have to lock the doors behind them.
  10. Edge

    Seemed like a good day

    ..to go dredging.
  11. Edge

    Seemed like a good day

    I'm familiar with bucket dredging but had to look the Bima up. I can't imagine the.ammount of maintenance it took to keep something like that operating. Even in the simplest mining endeavor is plagued with breakdowns, interruptions and failure. Thanks for sharing. I made it to Nome twice on catchers. The company managers were so scared of crews jumping ship that only trusted veteran employees were allowed in town. I spent 4 weeks anchored off shore and only a few hours in town. Would have gladly traded my.position as crane operator to dredge in Nome.
  12. Edge

    Son Lost His Billfold

    Something about the way I was getting out of the tractor at work was making my wallet fall out. Found it the first couple times but eventually my luck ran out. An old timer asked me if he could metal detect on the acreage I work on and I said "sure." Dang if he didn't come across my wallet. We're good friends now.
  13. Edge

    2nd in 6 days

    Interesting color
  14. Edge

    Camping for turkey in unit 27 ideas

    Heading south out of Alpine, take a right on Middle Mountain Rd. Lots of camping and a water tank about 1000 yards south. Everything a turkey could want
  15. Edge

    NM Unit 24/Fort Bayard

    As a youngin, you could see Ft Bayard and Hurley from my grand parents back porch. Some great glassing opportunities from those desert picachos in the southern portions of the unit. They may look barren but hold nice bucks. Get out ahead of the hunt to assure access. Area ranchers have been known to lock gates and post private property signs on the public lands they've leased.
  16. Edge

    2nd in 6 days

  17. Edge

    2nd in 6 days

    No, 70 miles apart
  18. The Ranger is running great. Can you PM me please?
  19. Edge

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    The colder The front, the denser the air enabling the cold front to push warm air out in front of it.