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Everything posted by Edge

  1. .44-40 standard rifle version in good working condition. Minor forestock damage, crecent butt, round barrel, rear sight elevator replaced. No pitting anywhere. Selling for neighbor, please PM for more pics and serious offers, he has a good idea of the rifles value
  2. Edge

    Summer sale (price reductions)

    Good deal, I nearly nabbed it.
  3. Edge

    400 fps archery target brand new 45$

    Thanks, good meeting you.
  4. Edge

    Winchester mod '73 manufactured 1886

    You're probably referring to other models like the '76? Pretty sure the '73 came in 44-40 and later 32-20, 38-40, even.22? Around 720000 built so not so rare as the other models.
  5. Edge

    Winchester mod '73 manufactured 1886

    The seller is asking, I believe, at the high end range for this rifle, $3K. But to judge condition, yes you need to see it in person. I'm looking for reasonable offers because of the gentleman's situation, he may need to take less, soon. That's between him and the buyer. But I think someone is getting a nice old rifle for their collection soon. So if you're interested, pm me. Thanks all that have looked, PMd I've enjoyed talking with you. Levers, I wish we didn't live so far apart, thanks for all the info.
  6. Edge

    Summer sale (price reductions)

  7. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    This 6/15-9/30 monsoon bs drives me nuts. What beauracratic pinhead thought you could put a date on it? That nonsense aside, I have been watching the morning dewpoints slowly climb upward. That's the main indicator of monsoon, not some superficial timeline. I blame Hillary and her ilk.
  8. Edge

    400 fps archery target brand new 45$

    I'm not sure I can hit it past 30 yards, but any shot further is just unethical. Take $40? PM sent
  9. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Tough question since you're in the Chihuahuan Desert, totally different from every other ecosystem in the state.
  10. Edge

    Cabela’s bino harness-SOLD

    I'd like one
  11. Edge

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    Andrew voting for himself would appear awkward, therefore he doesn't get a vote.
  12. Edge


    Inflation. They were about 15% cheaper just a couple years earlier at the Ben Franklin Hardware. I can still smell those arrows.
  13. Edge

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    Like me, Andrew is a mizer. This earns him this stingy s.o.b.'s vote.
  14. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    I sure hope you're way off, time will tell
  15. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

  16. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Approx 1/4". Still lightly raining, ahhhh
  17. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Yeah I was trying to visualize rain in H€LL; steam?
  18. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Those are echoes, light rain or dense clouds layers. Light rain where I'm at. Those echoes are over a mile above you, light rain may or may not reach the ground.
  19. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Mountains will be getting wet thru Monday night. Flash Flood Warnings for the boot heel. That region is going to be taking it from two disturbances like a Yuma street walker with a Moose Convention in town. Gonna be a wet one.
  20. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Yuma sucks! Absolutely the armpit of America Have you never been to Parker?
  21. Edge

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Nah, 7%. But looks like a line of showers headed your way. If nothing else enjoy the cloud cover and cooler temps.It's just a ripple from the disturbance. Lots of moisture coming to the SW. Bud may be down graded but it's also nearly stalled, and pumping rain north. Looks like there's not much moisture? Those cells down south of Ajo are at the edge of the radars range.
  22. Edge

    Now I know, check your worms...

    You raised a stink and knocked over their display over a buck.No, they came unglued at the mention of dead worms, I was being a good citizen but ready for Kimchee. And no the worms didn't get hot, we hiked in at night.Display was in my way.