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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    What's up with this?

    And let's keep in mind the 300 road was originally laid out as a supply road between forts suitable for supply wagons, not for off road racing. I'm seeing some really terrible posts online about this accident. If speed was involved it's soley the operators fault and three innocent passengers paid the ultimate price for the drivers poor judgement. Went up the Crown King Rd the other day with a fellow who drove like the devil was racing him. I complained so much about the speeds we just about got into a fight. What was the rush? He slowed way down on the way back but still nearly had four head on collisions. Luckily the oncoming traffic didn't approach on tight corners. And my buddy driving is a rural medic/fireman used to seeing these wrecks.
  2. Edge

    What's up with this?

    These idiot ATV and UTV drivers are all the excuse needed for the BLM and forest service to close roads down. Try being on horseback when these jack azzes come flying down the trail.
  3. Edge

    Where am I?

    Spent the last several days camped near this cabin, even with the vast views never saw another soul. If you've been here, you've seen some remote landscape enroute. Looking for a general area not a Mountain range.
  4. Edge

    Where am I?

    I agree
  5. Edge

    Where am I?

    😀 Ding, ding; winner!
  6. Edge

    Where am I?

    Just give me a land mark within a 15 mile radius of this cabin or the cabins name
  7. Edge

    Where am I?

    Negative, sir
  8. Edge

    Where am I?

    No, fair guess though
  9. Edge

    what up ?

    Johnson grass after a drought can be toxic or maybe Morning Glory
  10. Edge

    Where you born in Arizona?

    Was a good thread... Nice to have learned more about some of my fellow Zonies.
  11. Edge

    Where were you?

    I was home in Graham, WA awaiting my wife to get home from work.
  12. Edge

    Where is I?

    This is one of the earliest photographs taken in AZ. Judging by the towns progress shown in the picture, I'm estimating this is about 1870. The growth here is about to explode into the thousands...
  13. Edge

    Where is I?

    It's Vultures City
  14. Edge

    Where is I?

    I was looking for Vulture City, but winner, winner elk loin dinner. Thought the tailing pile left side of pic was dead give away
  15. Edge

    Where is I?

    It has a name....come on, you can do it!
  16. Edge

    Where is I?

    Haha thanks, we need to get together and commiserate. Bisbee? Wrong plot of desert.
  17. Edge

    Where is I?

    Negative, but thanks for playing
  18. Edge

    Where is I?

    That's one of the clues in the picture. Looks like a hazy day and it's early, early camera technology. There are mountains to the north and south
  19. Sounds like something that would happen in New River lol
  20. Edge

    This new forum layout

    Yes, I belong to a forum owned by a local loco catering to metal detecting, , meteorite hunting, coin and nugget shooting. If you're interested, lemme know I'll send you the URL.
  21. Edge

    This new forum layout

    I changed skins just so I could read it. The format is similar one of my gold forums so there's a little familiarity. Don't know yet how to adjust some if my favorite settings I miss like being anonomous. Until I figure it all out, I have other pursuits.
  22. 5 miles, bwahaha!? You need to get out more often.
  23. Pain? It hurts to tie my shoes. The Alzheimer's helps me forget.
  24. Careful there, whippersnapper. Your young brain doesn't understand an old man's trigger. With brittle bones and slower reflexes, we tend to club, stab or shoot first, contact defense lawyer later...