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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Backpack stolen from truck

    Somebody help that homeless guy out, a hand up or maybe a job?
  2. Edge

    Backpack stolen from truck

  3. Edge

    Do we really need a border wall?

    Illegals must be kept from entering the US. That's a fence a wall a human barricade. Nothing else is as important in this debate. Drones and sensors tell you where they're at but doesn't keep them out. Once an illegal sets foot in tthe US, its catch and release. What a nightmare. Seriously, they are undocumented Democrats. Why do you think the left is against voter ID? Even the illegals that aren't voting, cluster into latino neighborhoods, swelling the population and creating more left leaning congressional districts that certainly don't vote Republican.
  4. Edge

    FS: Beretta 21A .22LR--SOLD!

    Great pistol!!!
  5. Edge

    water levels

    Im trying to understand, buddy.. are you trying to say the tanks in GMU 8 are full?
  6. Edge

    Wine barrel fire pits

    I like your craftsmanship!!
  7. Edge


    Oh, you have no idea how spot on...
  8. Edge

    Where am I

    Headquarters of the DNC.
  9. Edge

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    How much time are you spending stretching per week?
  10. Edge

    Deer pooping habits?

    The ungulates are pooping machines
  11. Edge

    Weather report

    Snowing north of town according to sources... Another buddy says snowing in Morristown. Just drizzle out here south of Lk Pleasant. How's the weather where you're at?
  12. Edge

    Safe Highway Fees

    News said it is a result of shuffling money around for Reds for Ed
  13. Turn your sound up https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2226782324206462&id=1880854068799291
  14. Edge

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    I did it for about 5 years in MMA. Really prefer standup, specially after breaking a fibula in a wicked takedown.
  15. Edge

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    Not to mention, pilots third time jumping out of a doomed plane.
  16. Edge


    Notice how thermometers never go below -40'F? Mercury freezes at -37'F which incidentally is -37' on the Celsius scale as well.
  17. Edge

    Ryan Nenaber?

    Used to be able to find a military member by calling the installation's personnel locator.
  18. Edge

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    And Nicholle.. https://www.facebook.com/nicholle.gibson
  19. Edge

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    You had to ask... https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2128173370531815&id=100000175184391&set=a.819171614765337&source=56
  20. Edge

    Free stuff

    Set me aside some that fit 285-75-16
  21. Edge

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    NTSB takes over if it's found.
  22. Edge

    Eagle's Nest

    They're home, look now! Cool stuff. But more PC gone amuck. Read the narrative. If the eaglet siblings squabble, they may shut the live stream down. Would hate for viewers to understand violence occurs in nature.
  23. Edge

    Steer for sale

    Better pics of the steer for sale will be put up soon. I have a steer for sale or you can purchase equal shares of the live animal. He is the White Faced one on the left in this picture. $950 for steer on the left or split him for $500 for equal half shares. Steer can even be divided into quarters. PM me if you're interested Merry Christmas.
  24. Edge

    Steer for sale

    I didn't realize how bad the pics are, I'll try and get more. Pm me if you'd like to see the cows, I-10 and Jackrabbit