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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge


    Reloading will probably be a felony soon as it can't be regulated. We are all aware CA gangbangers have Lee Pro 1000s setup in their clubhouses. This article helps explain the rabid, ignorant anti 2a culture to our north. And that's why I had to write my son a letter addressed to his county attorney in San Mateo, CA. The letter explained how my son, a legal firearms carrier, firefighter and reserve USMC member, came into possession of a Glock 26. It was a Christmas gift you ignorant CA commie azzes!
  2. Edge

    Where is I?????

  3. Edge

    Delete please

    Bump for a beautiful rifle.
  4. Edge

    Where Am I?

    I only counted 9Turkeys
  5. Edge

    Looking for someone to weld

    I can do it. I'm in Surprise but you can give to my old lady, she works in Glendale
  6. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    Great. New fire 1000ac. along I-17 at Badger Springs. Hiway shut down in both directions.
  7. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    Me too
  8. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    I rarely see anyone in there Nov-Mar.
  9. Edge

    LOUD buzzing Desktop

    A misplaced toy, perhaps?
  10. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    Fantastic news, thanks so much for sharing!
  11. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    I would if I could Listen and you can hear the whales.
  12. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    Listen Bambi, they can all leave the county ahead of time. Trees are just a little more rooted. You should visit, it's an AZ treasure.
  13. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    Two dozen apple and a couple pear trees best I can recall.
  14. Edge

    Ruger SR22 22lr pistol-SOLD

    Lemme know if this becomes available
  15. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    There are no bear or whitetail in 24B. The Coues I shot there a couple years ago was lost, alone and rabid.
  16. Edge

    Woodbury Fire

    I'm wondering how the orchards at Reavis have survived 150 years of lightning and fire storms. Perhaps they'll survive this, perhaps not. For two decades I 've packed in to Reavis for the beauty and the bounty. Always anxious to sink my teeth into a juicy Golden Delicious when ripe or smelling the apple cobbler cooking in the damned heavy dutch oven you reluctantly packed in and didn't dare leave back in the truck. The last Coues I took was while resting my antique .06 on the last southwestern most Apple tree in the orchard. I always resented the usfs stance against that orchard, they were not indigenous and they wanted them gone. Hope those trees are a thorn in the forest services side another 150 years.
  17. Edge

    Fathers Day, the untold story..

    Great looking family right there.
  18. Edge

    2001 Ford F150 4x4

    I'm at 267000 on my 03
  19. Edge

    Fire between Horseshoe and Bartlett

    We've had two fires within a half mile of our place in the last two weeks.
  20. Edge

    Car Jacking

    At least there wasn't an alledged "tussle" like Jussie Smollet described, lol.
  21. Edge

    2007 Toyota Sequoia 4x4

    What mpg do you get?
  22. Friday a bear trashed a miners camp about a mile east of me. They swore up and down they followed protocol not attracting with food and trash. Sunday morning he passed by my camp but I had nothing to offer. I don't follow the bear hunting guidelines/timetables but if there's a hunt now or coming up in 20A and you have a tag, pm me I want to drop a dime on this bruin.
  23. For those of you who contacted me concerning this bear, he's still available. A week ago Thursday I placed a game cam in a tree.and according to the date stamp it only took a few hours for him to find it. I have about 4 pics of him yanking it out of the tree.