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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Found another this morning, but where?
  2. Edge

    Desert tourtuse found. Pictures added

    They're a little smarter than expected too. I put two on the porch and boarded up the stairs but they still escaped. They found two pickets in the wrought iron enclosure that were just wide enough apart to fit through sideways, even though they'd have to tuck and roll off the porch to gain freedom. In their enclosure, they've learned to come out of their burrow for treats when they hear the gate rattle. My Heeler went into one of their underground tunnels and got stuck, we spent hours digging him out. PS they think dog turds are tasty tootsie rolls.
  3. Edge

    Where Am I?

    I can give you simple directions to one
  4. Edge

    Where Am I?

  5. Edge

    Where Am I?

  6. Edge

    Old quad tires

    Yeah I think he's a tire salesman?
  7. Edge

    Old quad tires

    You're not alone, I too ride a 2006 Polaris with the original tires. Considering the max inflation is 5psi, one would have to get awfully chewed up to leave you stranded. Carry a tube and small can of fix a flat on long treks.
  8. Edge

    Where Am I?

    No sir, but there is one out there on Humbug Creek.
  9. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Yeah but that's a big unit and this is the 4th one I've found in 20b. Narrow it down.
  10. Edge

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

  11. Edge

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

    First Wal-Mart drove the ma and pa stores out of business by peddling Chinese made crap. Now they think not selling ammo to law abiding Americans is the moral thing to do. Screw them.
  12. Edge


  13. Edge


    1000 short Russians can be yours for $275. I'll throw in a steel and a nylon Tapco mag to go with. I travel most of the Valley.
  14. Edge

    squeaky backpack shoulder straps

    Blood on your pack? You fall down, cut? Hope you're ok, buddy. Lol
  15. Edge

    Quote of the Day

    Problem is, we think we have time. Buddha
  16. Edge

    Heads UP!! UPDATE $30K

    The left would like you to think these two are just typical Trump supporters.
  17. Edge

    Wake up and smile

    Last time Trphyhntr got nibbled by a fox there was probably throat play and shots required ....
  18. Edge

    Wake up and smile

    Took a ride this morning out north of the homestead. While studying the geology of the area that was once the Pikes Peak mining district. Found some interesting minerals including an exposed hematite layer, not to mention hundreds of quail, wow. This guy was snoozing on a wash ledge about 9' up and couldn't be disturbed.
  19. Edge

    WTB Quarter/Half Cow

  20. Edge

    WTB Quarter/Half Cow

    Im picking up a hog tomorrow Bob butchered for me. I can ask him what he sells a half steer for. I will have some Angus steers for sale this winter.
  21. Edge

    Feed store in flagstaff

    Don't buy salt blocks, they are expensive, difficult to lug around and reveal where your camera is to thieves. Buy water softener salt. Just mix it into the earth with the dirt and some water. The animals will smell it, the thieves wont see it. Don't take my word for it, ask the infamous MulePackSaltHunter.
  22. Edge

    We need a CWT gathering

    A dozen drunks with shotguns comparing wieners...not my idea of a good time. Besides, I've already met all you corn baggers.
  23. Edge

    We need a CWT gathering

    Yeah that's when everything blew up in her face. A member bought her hubby's welder off her and wanted a refund.
  24. Edge

    We need a CWT gathering

    Did you lose it since booking her big game hunts and guided kayak fishing tour last year?