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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Where is This?

    Yeah and so far from India, too. You're making me feel old, Geronimo surrendered in my grandfather's lifetime and less than 80 years before I was born
  2. Edge

    Where is This?

    Al Sieber
  3. Edge

    Where is This?

    Gen CrookTedro's tomb
  4. Edge

    Where is This?

    Where is Phillip Tedro.buried and what's his claim to AZ fame? No cheating!
  5. Edge

    Where is This?

    Hard to declare victory after 3 strikes
  6. Edge

    Where is This?

    Tom Horn WY
  7. Edge

    questionable AZ history

    Yes Sadie was his next common law wife, she was Jewish they were prohibited from marrying
  8. Edge

    Where is This?

    AK or ID Wyatt Earp
  9. Edge

    Where is This?

    Buckskin Leslie, CA
  10. Edge

    Where is This?

    George Bascoms family cabin, Bath County KY
  11. Edge

    questionable AZ history

    I've made the trek to the Apache Kids grave. It's high in the San Mateo Mtns Wilderness above the ghost town of San Marcial/Ft Craig, NM. The posse that shot up his gang beheaded him rather than carry his body back to town. His head was displayed in a jar in one of San Marcials businesses. Was lost in the flood that buried the town there off I-25.
  12. Edge

    questionable AZ history

    If memory serves, Warren Earp. Literally brought a knife to a gunfight. He's buried in Wicox but no one knows for certain which grave. Historians think they've narrowed down his plot to be one of four. Who's the other Earp?
  13. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    You can't even follow a thread. Lol
  14. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    Wow, your name wasnt mentioned or even thought of. You are quite a piece of work. You must think the world revolves around you. Pity I stand by my statement.
  15. Edge

    questionable AZ history

    Good thread. Lee. Trivia and AZ history.... Here's another question... There are two Earps of Wyatt's fame buried in AZ. Who are they, where are they buried and how did they die?
  16. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    How Hawkish those who never served in the armed forces or had their children put in harm's way are.
  17. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    You assume too much , Yotemuster. But that's what closet libs do. McCain and Romney call themselves Republicans too, thank God half of them went bye bye. I figured you out years ago, I'm even less impressed with you now that you've come out. Get a clue.
  18. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    Some tillage? Wheat fields were tilled after each harvest then sat in fallow a year. It's dry land farming. There were seed drills to tow and discing after tilling. Not to mention dragging. 4 gallons an acre, not even close. Funny how you cant address any of Trump's accomplishments. How about some honesty on your part? But your a Republican? Sorry I don't believe it. You're probably anxious to dust off your Hillary for President signs.
  19. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    China has been allowed by previous administration's to steal industrial secrets, manipulate its currency and put tariffs on US goods sold there for decades. Now that we have a president willing to stand up to the Chi-Coms, it's all Trump's fault. Get real. And how was farming doing so great there in 2006-2012 when land prices tumbled and diesel prices hit $5.00 a gallon a month after Obama was first elected? How do you operate a farm at a profit when it costs $300 a day to operate a tractor? That's the economy I recall operating a farm in se UT 2006-2012.. Now you're being flamed? Lol Please, no sniveling and I'd appreciate you using paragraphs, even though I've read enough of your nonsense.
  20. Edge

    Happy Birthday Amanda!

    Amanda! Happy Birthday
  21. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    I just paused on the news and Biden was being interviewed. He said how ironic Trump would ask for Ukraine's help on the very same day Ben Franklin was signing the US Constitution. Has Biden been hitting on Hunter's crack pipe again? Or is he just worried ol Corn Pop and his bad boys might be waiting out in the parking lot? lol
  22. Nice I was going to let him park here but he's got a spot.
  23. Edge

    WAR in Kentucky!

    What planet r u on? His approval ratings are going up even with this fake impeachment crap. He's keeping campaign promises and could do a lot more were it not for Rinos and a communist Congress. Conservative judges are being appointed. Tax reform has led to the hottest economy in your lifetime. Industries are moving back to the USA. I heard yesterday there is more industrial space under construction than ever in AZ history. The EPA has been hamstrung. Trade deals that favor the US for a change are being signed and China will be forced to play fair. The usmca is ready to be ratified but the Dems don't want to bring it to a vote. They'd rather have the US lose than Trump win.
  24. Edge

    Muzzleloader question

    Friend bought a second hand Traditions Tracker 209. It has a nipple I'm not familiar with. It's too big to fit a #11 percussion cap and too small for a primer.What am I missing here?