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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Who am I?

  2. Edge

    Who am I?

    I immigrated to AZ from Germany, where I had been born into a life of privilege. I attended the best schools and learned mine engineering at a prestigious European college.
  3. Edge

    Who am I?

  4. Edge

    Who am I?

  5. Edge

    Who am I?

    I and others were murdered at my compound, 1860.
  6. Edge

    Who am I?

    Good guess but not whom I'm looking for.
  7. Edge

    Who am I?

    Predates Ft Huachucau.
  8. Edge

    Who am I?

    Good guess but I'm thinking Kino was Hispanic not Anglo?
  9. Edge

    Anyone know this guy?

    Brothers and camera mischief, rings a bell...
  10. Edge

    .380 and .40 mags

    I have 4 .380 SW Bodyguard mags. 2 are new, 2 lightly used. $35 for the lot. Add $5 if you want them mailed or meet up in the valley. 3 new Wilson Combat 1911 mags, .40 cal. $75 for the lot. Add $5 for shipping or meet up in the valley.
  11. Edge

    ATV and truck wheels

    I have one (1) Tensor 32 10 15 mounted on a Method Rim for sale. Bolt pattern appears to be 137mm
  12. Edge

    ATV and truck wheels

    New Tensor 32 × 10 x 15 on Method rim. $225 4 - 20" Eagle Alloys. 8 lug x 6.5 fits Chevy, Dodge older Ford's $325
  13. Edge

    What do EV owners do now?

    F.... Commifornia
  14. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2442978845946151&id=152115091814411
  15. Edge

    ATV and truck wheels

    I can take pic of treads tomorrow
  16. Edge

    Payroll deposits without a bank account.

    Fightin words...
  17. Edge

    Flatline maps for sale

    I'll take the 24b
  18. If so, please pm me.
  19. Edge


    Have great memories of that place
  20. Edge

    Who am I

    My tale is wrought with service to AZ and my fellow man. But greed, betrayal and injustice raised its ugly head, all in the last year's of my life. I was born in IL to an Anglo father and Wyandotte mother around 1840. So it seemed perfectly natural to marry a member of the Pima Tribe upon moving to AZ in 1860. I fathered a daughter we named Juana whom would someday fight for her share of my estimated fortune of $1.6 million, all the way to the US Supreme CT. Only to be judged to have no standing in the case because marriages between Anglos and native Americans was deemed illegal. With the help of Territorial Gov. Goodwin, I embarked on a letter writing campaign to Pres Lincoln in 1861 and his Sec. Of War to help me arm the local Pima and Maricopa's with muskets and training in order to fight the Apaches. It worked. I was so highly thought of by the friendly Native Americans that in 1880, a Papago friend led me into a sparse and lonely valley in South Central AZ, and showed me the location of a fabulously rich silver lode. A town rose up around the mine that I ran like a fiefdom. There was a mercantile with fair prices, bank, hotel and library but alcohol was not allowed. Fair wages were paid at the mine and town businesses and no racial discrimination of any kind was allowed. I suffered a minor stroke around 1890 and my two business partners, which included my younger brother, moved quickly to take over my holdings. They had me sent to a sanatorium in northern CA where in a short time I was released and deemed healthy. My partners sued me in court saying I was insane and unable to run the mine. The proof they offered was my marriage to a native American. They had me rearrested and a crooked guardian ad litem was assigned to my affairs. I was sent back to the hospital in Napa where I was interned until my death. Who am I?
  21. Edge

    Who am I

    What kind of work?
  22. Edge

    Who am I

    What was his town named?
  23. Edge

    Who am I

    Dammit! Lol
  24. Edge

    Who am I

    I don't think you'd see Bernie fighting in a militia
  25. Edge

    Who is This

    Yeah I considered that too. The cemetery he's buried in.has been on the news. Isn't that 13Ave and Jefferson?