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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Packing in for a sheep hunt in 40B, came across a downed AA Drone. There was miles of steel line spun off from tow missles and .50 cal casings everywhere.
  2. Might help to know where they were found.
  3. Edge


    They eat half my chicken scratch, time for some pay back!. How much would theses sell for. Years ago I was getting $4 a pigeon.
  4. Edge


    I went to their website this morning, zero protection for them. Reason I bring the collared dove up, I will be offering them for sale when I return from elk hunting next week.
  5. Edge


    Wouldn't an invasive species like collared dove be allowed?
  6. Edge

    Missing hunters in Mexico

    "Si tu no gusto me visitar su famalia en Tejas, repitar despues de mi." " They washed our trucks, topped off the tanks and left mints on our pillows..."
  7. Edge

    Missing hunters in Mexico

  8. You're never too old... https://www.breitbart.com/health/2019/11/30/104-year-old-wisconsin-mom-bags-her-first-buck/
  9. Your ultimate road hunting vehicle? The decision to attempt this crossing will haunt these parents for life. I pray all involved will somehow find peace again.
  10. Good eye, trophy. I only caught a glimpse from a choppers view. Still a worthy vehicle.
  11. Andrew, thank you for your efforts, your a good man. Who while crossing the lower Tonto hasn't felt the sphincter tighten? It's a difficult decision depending on flow and your rig. Listening and reading the news accounts on this tragedy varied wildly. It was reported they were in a car, a pickup, motor home or military vehicle as if what the family was using to trek across the Tonto didn't matter. Turns out the family was in a 2 1/2 ton AWD, tandem axled military truck, probably an M109 or M35. Depending on the perceived flow of the Creek, most competent outdoorsmen would feel confident crossing in this rig.
  12. Edge

    Missing hunters in Mexico

    Your right, what was I thinking? The Reaper drone is a much better fit with 15x the payload.
  13. Edge

    Missing hunters in Mexico

    I predict It won't be long before we start to take out high value cartel targets via drone down in old Mexico. Trump designating the cartels as terrorist groups makes the impending actions permissible and imminent.
  14. Edge

    Payson People Road Conditions?

    Payson Troglodytes Road Conditions? fixed it for ya
  15. Edge


    Topper Jr
  16. Edge

    What am I?

    Folks were exploring a remote Native American granary and snapped a couple pics inside.
  17. Edge

    What am I?

    No, found it on Facebook
  18. Edge

    What am I?

    Then they got home and enhanced the photo on their computer.
  19. Edge

    What am I?

    The couple photographing didn't know what was in the hole, too dark
  20. Edge

    What am I?

    Forgot to mention, hole was approx 12" tall.
  21. Edge

    Where Am I

    Or dropped by a bird
  22. Edge

    Pressure Washer

  23. Edge

    Reverse who was I?

    I thought Outdoor Writer nailed it. Having lived in Albuquerque, I looked into Juan Tabo and sorry, I think no one knows the truth.