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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge


    Theres.lots.of ferrys coming from the various islands and peninsulas around Seattle. Google the routes and explore the possibilties. I worked on a trawler that moored near the Mariners ballpark. The owner.of the catcher lived on an island in Eliot Bay and traveled to work via his personal Whaler.
  2. Edge

    Any here own (or would recommend ) a Limo service?

    Try Desert Rose
  3. Edge


    The traffic getting in and out of Seattle can take hours daily from your life. If you can afford to live close to the salt water, that's your escape. I've lived in the Seattle area and at one point lived a block from the Des Moines boat launch on the south end of Eliot Bay. I was on the bay 5 evenings a week catching dinner from my 16' runabout. Sol, crab, salmon, squid.....
  4. Edge


    Where in WA?
  5. Edge


    The fishing rules are mind numbing. For crab you'll need calipers and the ability to distinguish sexes. But unlike the local libtards's, you only have to worry about male vs female.
  6. Edge

    Monsoon Action

    Power out for hours but it cooled off some and tamped the dust down nw valley. Up in the Wickenburg hills, some washes ran and standing puddles in the desert.
  7. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    To anyone who can tell me what firearm this cartridge was chambered for. Start guessing.
  8. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    I just had a closer look. It's a 45-55, carbine load for the model 1873 Trapdoor carbine US cavalry issue. The C in the headstamp stands for carbine. Manufactured 1878.
  9. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    What's the dia.? 45-70 or 50-70 govt
  10. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    Whoa, how did I miss this? Yes Maynard .52 They came in .33, .50 and .52 The cartridge has no primer, just a flash hole. Paper caps like we had in cap guns as kids then later percussion caps were fitted.
  11. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    It's .52 if that helps
  12. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

  13. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

  14. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    No sir, and not .58
  15. Edge

    I'll Tip My Hat

    No but you are in the right era.
  16. Edge

    Pardonne Moi

    Thought everyday in Arizona was cowboy day?
  17. Edge

    Morning Visitor

    Went to grab something out of the jeep when I realized I wasn't alone.
  18. Edge

    Pack goat saddles

    How much weight can a goat carry, ratio?
  19. Edge

    Morning Visitor

    Judging by the number of tortoise tunnels im seeing up here, there's no shortage of them.
  20. Edge

    Morning Visitor

    And without getting 'off color' yeah I have a black gladiator. Would have preferred any other color but there was no selection in diesel.
  21. Edge

    Morning Visitor

    I'm on my 4th Gila Monster, 2nd tortoise this year. Lots of gopher snakes and a single rattler a few weeks ago. The Gladiator is awesome. I always liked the looks and off road capabilities. Then a cousin took me deer hunting in his last Jan and I was hooked. After some more research I knew I'd want the diesel version. I need a leveling kit installed, the diesels are 500lbs heavier than the gas models. The little 3.0L turbo diesel gets 30mpg hwy, mid 20s in town. Compared to my 1995 Powerstroke, puts out almost 10% more torque and 25% more hp. Handles like a sports car and is backed up to an 8spd AT.
  22. Edge

    Wanted: pigeons

    Sounds like the fellow I worked for in TX 15 years ago. Would literally haul 25000 live birds to shoots back east. Canons were home made mortar like tubes firing weights via12ga blanks. Could fire it 2-3 days in a row before the birds got keen. Yes. At least in TX and I would imagine elsewhere. Cages had to be checked daily for food and water. All other birds besides Eurasian doves must be released unharmed. When trapping, put a pigeon in the cage to start with. Bait with millet. Just needs a 1way door that opens in. Better yet, call local pigeon removal companies, they'll sell them.