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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    2023 Coues

    Yeah, what campmeat said. We'll never know how many opportunities are missed cause we didn't give it just a few more hours.
  2. Edge

    Free Home Depot style pallet racking

    I just sent a pm ahead of ya bruh
  3. Edge

    That Look You Give...

    When at 2a.m. opening day, you hike into your honey hole only to find it's dry.
  4. Sounds like your grandma knew how to keep you boys on the straight and narrow. Some good memories there. Kids need more tasks these days.
  5. AC condesor fan motor? NW valley would be even better!
  6. Edge

    Where off the shelf can I find...

    Hard to concentrate as the sweat keeps rolling into your eyes... I found the motor locally Saturday morning, it's all fixed, brother. Enjoying a cool house again. Thank you.
  7. Edge

    Where off the shelf can I find...

    I checked out Grainger. They needed 3 days to get it in.
  8. They were roasting Hatch Chili's in the local Fry's so we bought a couple sacks They said they'd been there for a month and this was their last day. Try Anasazi beans. No soaking and less tooting.
  9. Edge

    Should IRS Agents carry guns? Why?

    Give to Cesar that which is Cesar's or we'll kick your door down and burn you out. America was born from tax revolt.
  10. Edge

    Where off the shelf can I find...

    That's it. Easy fix, working good again. Thanks everyone whom responded.
  11. Edge

    Where off the shelf can I find...

    Found a little HVAC Shop nearby called of all things, the HVAC Shop. Had what I needed and open Saturdays and Sundays, too.
  12. Edge

    Should IRS Agents carry guns? Why?

    What worries me is the tax code is thicker than the Bible and no one truly understands it. We'll all be declared tax cheats. Another way to disarm the citizenry?
  13. Edge

    Should IRS Agents carry guns? Why?

    I recently read the IRS was no longer making unannounced visits to homes or businesses. No they should not be armed with anything but a calculator.
  14. Edge

    Where off the shelf can I find...

    No HVAC hunters?
  15. We had a pretty good crop of green chili's, jalapenos, tomatoes and tomatillos. All wiped out by the heat wave and well trouble.
  16. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    No sir, was hoping for a little moisture out here first. Maybe if I shot it in a wide enough wash? I can see the headlines now... Grown Man Starts Wildfire Playing With Toy Cannon
  17. Edge

    New National Monument in Arizona

    Yes, he was including Hunter B. and Whoopi Goldberg.
  18. Edge

    New National Monument in Arizona

    Every president for the last several decades pulls this crap. Thinks they'll be immortalized. It's bull chit. Biden also revealed the lefts plan to put 30% of the nation's land into conservancy soon. We've seen how well the government manages things. I do recall Trump slashing 80% of Utahs Bears Ears and opening up Escalante for energy exploration Biden can't wait to get up to UT and reverse that.
  19. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    I'm seeing them go for $450-550. Come out to Vulture City and catch a show.
  20. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    That's its patina, was steel with nickle plating
  21. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    I'll put up a video touching it off this weekend.
  22. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    I haven't measured but I think I read it's about 2'