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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Classic knives.

    That's a fatty. I think this Solingen is the only peened split tang in my collection...a practice that goes back centuries to early sword making.
  2. Edge

    Classic knives.

    My granddad made knives. I found this one among dads things. Probably made Depression era. Full tang, walnut scales, aluminum bolster... (bottom). Top.. Perry style, bone handle, birdhead pommel, full tang from Queen Cutlery, Titusville PA. Circa 1946
  3. Edge

    Lets see pics of cool finds

    Where to start.... Quartz.Crystal Kings Septar (Far left) Birdpoint resting on a dime for scale 1872 50 cent Mogollon Alma Jar 300-700 A.D. Ax head spear points birdpoints
  4. Edge

    Classic knives.

    Pretty safe to say, very old knife. Why a knife; there was pine tar on the blunt bottom end to help hold it in a handle. Only the edges are sharp, like razors. A spear point would have had a sharp tip. And it's nearly 4" long.
  5. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    Make that $56 per gram. Gold is on the march.
  6. Edge

    Lets see pics of cool finds

    Very interesting, may be an agate then
  7. Edge

    Lets see pics of cool finds

    Cool stuff. Number 'One' rock looks like the edges have been knapped, may be artifact. Third one looks like slag, have you run a magnet across it?
  8. Edge

    Classic knives.

  9. Edge

    Classic knives.

    Western Knifes go back to Boulder Co, 1911. The name Coleman appears on Western knifes or sheath snaps 1984 to 1992. My uncle sent me this Western/ Coleman skinner last year. He says his mother in law bought it new in Tucson in the mid 1980s when he claims Western had a knife plant there.
  10. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    Lol. You can buy a lotta crack with 1.5 OZ
  11. Edge

    Classic knives.

    My first hunting knife, Solingen Knife, German made.. And yes, we are antiques.
  12. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    Math wasn't your strong suit? $55.00 x 5 is $275. But thanks, yeah I'm selling this but my newest claim is strictly dry washing. It's a fabulous hobby that can pay back if done right.
  13. Edge

    Classic knives.

    Kinfolks stag handled Flame Edged Super Hunter-model 568 TC with a carbon tungsten edge on the blade. Kinfolk was in business 1925-1957 then sold out to Robeson Knives
  14. Edge

    Classic knives.

    I was putting my old knives together for a thread too. I like that knife, the blade profile and handle, sweet. Looks similar to a knife I made my cousin a couple years ago from an old saw blade and an oak handle.
  15. Edge

    Fire Ban

    Fixed it for ya. My rural neighborhood was on fire twice last year due to ignoramuses having fires at home.
  16. Just last week, the state website said “boating falls within the outdoor activities permitted under the order.” Now the Dem Gov hits reverse again. Libs were bat chit crazy before eating bats were cool.
  17. Edge

    This day in history...

    Wainwright arrived in Tokyo Bay from China 39 hours before the signing 2Sept at 9am, yeah they waited on him and General Percival.
  18. Edge

    This day in history...

    Did you read the link I provided? The Japanese surrender wouldnt go forward until Wainwright was located and brought to Tokyo Bay.
  19. Edge

    Where am I

    Fire in the Sky location
  20. Edge

    This day in history...

    I knew the PT boat commander that removed MacArthur from Corregidor. After the mission the PT squadron returned to their base in Palawan just as the base commander was surrendering to the Japanese. He was given the choice of surrendering or fleeing into the jungle. He did the latter and spent the War with a band of Filipino guerillas.
  21. Edge

    This day in history...
