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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Wolf pic off my trail cam

    It's a woof. If you got a pic, must be right off shoulder of road
  2. Edge

    21 April

    .oops double tap..sign of these troubled times
  3. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    While I take pleasure visualizing, I'm still a 'hands on' kind of guy
  4. Edge

    WTB 4x4 Truck Prob Diesel

    185k, barely broke in.
  5. Edge

    WTB 4x4 Truck Prob Diesel

    I have a '95 7.3 w/5spd. Pushing 400K, I 've spent zero in repairs, runs like a raped ape. Pulled my heavy horse trailer and beasts up to Prescott a couple weeks ago, avg 11mpg up the hill.
  6. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    You're off the hook!
  7. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    Keene 2 1/2" floating dredge. Powered by 4hp Honda motor married to a Keene trash pump all in excellent working order. Keene sells a header box for this unit to make it a hi banker too. Comes with miners moss in sluice and 15' of hose. I've already installed adjustable legs and wheels. Entire unit breaks down for back pack transport. New, this unit sells for $2600 before improvements. Easily operated and transported by one person. https://www.keeneeng.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=2ID1 Gold is nearing $1720 per ounce, more than $55.00 per gram. Averages of gold recovered on claims I'm familiar with in the Bradshaws range from 1.5 to 5g per day for a one person operation. Will give you tips where to go dredging or help out beginners. I'm asking $1500obo. Will consider large caliber pistols in partial trade.Bradshaw gold recovered with dredge.
  8. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

  9. Edge

    Their foot is in the door!

    Yes I forgot to mention the fatigue.
  10. Edge

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    Sighting this article. From Consumersaffairs.com that's what .com from consumersaffairs.com https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news/heres-how-stimulus-checks-will-be-handled-when-it-comes-to-taxes-033020.html
  11. Edge

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    Hers. We file seperately, she's incorporated.
  12. Edge

    Their foot is in the door!

    I'm 99% certain I had this "Dreaded" disease in Jan. In fact, I believe I had it twice. Got it at work, gave it to la spousa, 2 weeks later she gave it back. All the symptoms; Dry, relentless cough. Highly contagious I gave it to several. Diminished breathing High fever. Feel lucky I didn't contract pnuemonia. Where's the antibody test? I'm a survivor, dammit! The flu was much worst on me. If that was Covid 19, I declare BS
  13. Edge

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    From Consumer Affairs if a taxpayer's 2020 (adjusted gross income) is substantially higher than the 2018 or 2019 adjusted gross income, the taxpayer might have to pay back some or all of the money after April 15, 2021 This stimulus puts the wife into the next tax bracket for 2020,
  14. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    Some really good club claims around Cordes and Goodwin. Lots of buddies going for an overnighter, coming home with 10g.
  15. Edge

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    If I'm reading the CARE act right, the stimulus will be taken against your 2021 tax return.
  16. Edge

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    Ex got my stimulus package. It was dark, I didn't see her horns.
  17. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    A thousand crackheads roaming hotel halls, looking for the 'Ice' machine.
  18. Edge

    Bnib 10x10 Coleman instant canopy

    I need this. Ever get to the west valley?
  19. Edge

    Their foot is in the door!

    Hate the whole spool thing, arm pops out of the socket reaching for it.
  20. Edge

    2.5" Gold Dredge.

    Much of the easy gold is gone. But they didn't get it all... When the railroads were completed in Prescott 120 years ago, the outta work Chinese laborers turned their efforts towards mining gold. They traveled down the perennial streams and nary left a stone unturned. But they didn't have pumps and hoses. They followed the water and didn't deviate more than a few feet from the streams. Easy gold. The successful placer miners today interpret ancient waterways, flood traps and benches. We pump water easily to these gold bearing gravels and process the paydirt where miners generations ago, passed on. 50' of 1 1/2" firehose gets you into virgin dirt.
  21. Edge

    Their foot is in the door!

    My cat has been doing that for years
  22. Edge

    Lets see pics of cool finds

    Nah. I'm keeping it conservative. But remember, if it's an artifact on public lands, take pics but leave it where ya found it.
  23. Edge

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    It's a payment not a deduction. Must be uploading from the old bedroom cam.