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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Kahr CW 40 * sold *

    Compact .40 S&W. 6 +1 with extra mag, 1 box ammo and Bulldog holster. I'm second owner, 30 rounds down the tube. Good shooter, no issues. $375.00
  2. Edge

    Kahr CW 40 * sold *

    Located near Surprise but I'm surprisingly mobile.
  3. Edge

    Kahr CW 40 * sold *

    All PMs answered. This deal won't last
  4. Edge

    3D Course

    I'll bring my metal detector out to look for MulePackHunters arrows afield. I'm sure they'll be a safe distance from any target.
  5. Edge

    First Aid Kit

    Add Benedryl to your kits. Get the tablets or run the risk of liquid form evaporating before you need it. Was hiking with a buddy, he's a paramedic. My dog bit his kid. The medics first aid kit was pathetic, he needed a butterfly to keep the cut closed but was out. Duct tape didn't work since the kid couldn't keep the wound dry. The bite ended up cutting our trip short and ruining our trip.
  6. Edge

    Happy Birthday Coach

    Happy Birthday, Coach you ol fart.
  7. Edge

    Would you vote for Sheriff Joe?

    He didn't burden the tax payers, the Obama admin did.
  8. Edge

    Would you vote for Sheriff Joe?

    I'd vote for him
  9. Called in a desert tortoise and grey fox at the same time.
  10. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Yeah but I won't be able to see beautiful me
  11. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I can work with that
  12. Edge

    Beef butcher

    Have you already bought a cow? I may have one for ya.
  13. Edge

    Looking to buy G29

    You can take that cash and buy gold
  14. Edge

    Beef butcher

    So many having their cattle butchered right now, our processor moved our butcher dates back several weeks. If I owned a taco truck looking for burger and trying to save $, buy a dairy cow, butcher her yourself and grind her up. Save a thousand dollars. In blind taste tests, people prefer heifers. Most your franchise burger joints are serving dairy cattle.
  15. Edge

    Looking to buy G29

    No gold, cash or trades, bro
  16. Edge

    Beef butcher

    And he's a hunter
  17. Edge

    Looking to buy G29

    Prefer slightly used