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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Sword experts?

    Begin watching at 7:00 minutes.
  2. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    I took it easy, only 50gr Pyrodex and 4 .54 balls. Too much fun.
  3. Edge

    I'm Going to Want a Bigger One

    Went out and splatter tested blank ammo for the gunfighter reenactment group. Good reason to bring the Cannon along. Cannon vs Dragon 43079.mp4
  4. Edge


    A friend of mine works for Rural Metro and does a.lot of snake removal. He sent me a video from a snake removal call in Waddell. The rattlers were around the AC unit beneath a kitchen with bay windows. There were 14 rattlers, only two adults. The lady was inside watching the reptile removal. Each time they'd pick up a snake with a grabber and shook it in front of the bay window, the lady would let out a huge scream. But yet she had to watch.
  5. Edge

    Cowboy games

    In the midst of the Great Depression, a guy's gotta earn a buck.
  6. Edge

    Hunting soap and Juniper scent too

    All orders have been shipped. New pine cover scent coming soon. Still have some Juniper scent but going fast.
  7. Edge


    And don't forget you're crossing the IDL.
  8. Edge

    WTB blank/starter pistol for pup training

    Yup and you can buy .22 blanks in different strengths at Home Depot.
  9. Edge

    Hunting soap and Juniper scent too

    Depending on the mold we used, 3.5 oz low size up to 5oz. averaged 4oz.
  10. Edge

    Hunting soap and Juniper scent too

    I have cured bars in scent blocker with out cover scent and soap with scent blocker and infused Juniper oil. Unscented 1-$8 2-$15 3-$22 Juniper oil scent blocker 1-$9 2-$16 3-$23 Includes shipping. Checks or Zelle.
  11. Edge

    Need your piano tuned?

    Chances are you're doing better than you give yourself credit for. Do you play for others whom dont candy coat your progress?
  12. Edge

    Time Flies; CouesWhitetail.com

    10 years, it's been great. It's also been educational and at times unbelievable. What some folks get triggered by when mostly on a forum of complete strangers.
  13. Edge

    Need your piano tuned?

    Good advice, bro. I took piano lessons from age 10-17, played about daily following 10 years, enjoyed the classics. I'm between pianos momentarily but I'll probably get this one. Started banjo about 10 months ago and I love it but the arthritis in my hands make my thumb digits feel disconnected. Oh well, a constant reminder I'm no kid anymore.
  14. Edge

    Need your piano tuned?

    I was gifted a piano recently but the cost of tuning and joy of moving it made me procrastinate. Rethinking this, thanks.
  15. Edge

    Need your piano tuned?

    Where are you located?
  16. Edge

    A thank you to AZGFD

    We were experiencing a lot of vandalism at my mine. We had advertised for a public event out there on local radio stations encouraging people to "follow the signs." Evening before the event, the signs were all cut down. So I put cameras out watching signs and the front gate. Never caught the trouble maker, save this one babe near the front gates. (Ignore the date stamps, pics about 11 months old)
  17. Edge

    Wall tents

    So sorry to hear of your diagnoses.
  18. Edge

    2023 Coues

    Yeah, what campmeat said. We'll never know how many opportunities are missed cause we didn't give it just a few more hours.
  19. Edge

    Free Home Depot style pallet racking

    I just sent a pm ahead of ya bruh
  20. Edge

    That Look You Give...

    When at 2a.m. opening day, you hike into your honey hole only to find it's dry.
  21. Sounds like your grandma knew how to keep you boys on the straight and narrow. Some good memories there. Kids need more tasks these days.