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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Anyone recommend a ranch to hunt Axis deer

    High fence or low fence? Haha deer farm talk.. A friend has several acres in Hill Country, strange seeing the Axis deer roaming neighborhoods. I believe if they get out from the hunting ranch they're fair game. Friends had some magnificent bucks in their hood. One big buck had an arrow lodged in his neck but it didn't seem to bother him much.. Get some hog action too. I have some cousins I can check with.
  2. Edge

    Lifetime Coolers

    Google: This facility occupies a whopping 2,200,000 square feet (200,000 metres squared) but they also have vertically integrated manufacturing facilities in Xiamen, China and Mascot, Tennessee. But according to all the marketing for Lifetime coolers they are made in the USA, not in China.
  3. Edge

    Lifetime Coolers

    "Knowing is half the battle." G. I. Joe
  4. Edge

    Interesting story I just found

    Maybe some ANTIFA ties? He also was charged with one count of each of aggravated assault on a peace officer, a Class 5 Felony,
  5. Edge

    Skin stapler for first aid kit

    Leaf Cutter Ants are cheaper.
  6. I'll have to measure the twist. It has an M proof mark underside of the barrel so maybe a Green Mountain barrel, 1:66 or 1:48.
  7. Whats the rate of twist and caliber? Surely it's a fast twist. I'm hearing bad reviews on the performance of Powerbelts on my muzzy forums. I shoot em and they're plenty accurate and easier to load than the sabots I've tried. But I'm hearing they disintegrate before making good penetration. I'm drawn for a muzzy deer season so I'll give this .54 Hawkens a try with patch and ball.
  8. Edge

    New to Offer Up

    I'm done with Offer Up. I spent nearly a year trying to find a good used gun safe (surprised they allow their sale). People don't return messages, and they sell items out from under you while you're enroute to buy it even though they just accepted your offer.
  9. Edge

    Who am I?

    He spoke his last words on this date, "Quien es?"
  10. Edge

    Who am I?

    Same with the Rifleman, supposed to be 1880 but he's carrying a '92. Bonanza was set in Nevada from 1860 on but nary a cap and ball on the set. The boys carried 1873 SAA, Ben an 1875 Remington. To compensate, their gun belts rarely held cartridges.
  11. Edge

    Table Mesa Road & the Bradshaws

    BLM spent the last couple years closing trails all over the state. They did it slowly so you wouldn't get jumpy like a frog in boiling water. The distance betwixt signs is a compromised response to the fight miners gave the gub on the issue. Miners Rights Act of 1866 states no gov can grant a miner a claim then restrict access to it.
  12. Edge


    I not only use it for hunting, I use it for prospecting and looking at real estate. Probably like the OnX more than the OnXTrail but they suckered me into using both.
  13. Edge

    Solar powered well system

    PM sent
  14. Edge

    Hydro dipping

    KE firearms in Tempe feature a lot of flags on their ARs. I don't know if it's done in house or...? Give em a call.
  15. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    For me this meme is really a satirical on testing and how the numbers are skewed for political gain. A small segment of the population will pay dearly for contracting the virus. Where as many others will contract it and never know. Far as my nephew goes, he was first tested, results lost. Retested negative, retested positive days later. He had his underlying health issues. Funny how the husband of my niece, both RNs, has tested positive for Covid (1out of four tests in 4 days comes back positive) while my niece has not tested positive. They both have the same symptoms of the same illness and have to take the same time off work. The tests are so unreliable, why bother. So yeah I'll keep posting memes I find amusing.
  16. Edge

    Wanted Quad!

    Can't hear the phone over the gf noise?
  17. Edge


    I was wondering the same. Some newbie regenerated an old thread he'd commented on so I clicked on his home page, he was on in April. Maybe Woody caught him shopping a fireworks stand in Payson? Haven't seen Winmag300 (or something similar) in awhile either.
  18. Edge

    What am i?

    I can see that any morning off the front porch.
  19. Edge

    What am i?

    Walked out on the back porch about 430a this morning, looking for enough light to tack up without steppin on a rattler. There before me was a spectacular sight you'll rarely get a glimpse of but maybe once every couple decades. She was a silent specter unbound by earth or heaven, had a long graceful tail that was being chased by the rising sun...then gone.
  20. Edge

    What am i?

    Nope, gotta work tomorrow
  21. Edge

    What am i?

    It's like jazz: You know it when you hear it. And if I have to explain, ya won't understand, bro.
  22. Edge

    What am i?

    Not mine. Should be able to see HER again in the morning but hurry, she's in retrograde like a tempered misstress.