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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Trailer repair

    If it's what I think it is (not the best pic), it's not a critical part. It's a lever to give you some extra leverage when retracting the spring loaded sliding coupler on the hitch. I'd reinforce it while repairing it. They used too thin gauge steeI manufacturing it. I have one on a livestock trailer that bent from fatigue but never broke. Pm me if you want me to come fix it. Seems we're always talking about this trailer.
  2. Edge


    You ever come to the valley?
  3. Edge

    Trailer repair

    Checks in the mail, bro.
  4. Edge

    WTB Glock 40 MOS with .....

    What is happening with my eyebrows? It's as if they're creating a shaggy buffer for my brain porch. IDK
  5. Edge

    Trailer repair

    I know how I'd weld it. Bring it over.
  6. Edge

    Vacuum sealer options

    Our Waring commercial model costs about $1200 retail. 5 years ago Waring gave us a this sealer prototype to test and asked to have it put through the paces of a typical home/hobby farm.Several thousand pounds of various meats later, still going strong. We were also given a Cuisinart home model to test (Cuisinart owns Waring) . It works ok but the Waring is far superior. Maybe you'll be seeing the Cuisinart in these classifieds soon? We're also testing a Waring convection rotisserie oven, food processor and a dehydrator. Did I mention the ol lady is Cuisinart's customer service director? If you want quality, spend the money.
  7. Edge

    Anyone recommend a ranch to hunt Axis deer

    https://www.hunttalk.com/threads/it-looks-like-there-are-exotics-on-public-land-in-texas.286812/ I've been putting feelers out. Most say put in for.public.land draws
  8. Edge

    Dear Arizona Game & Fish,

    Was going to list that. How about.. 8. Do not bend over for the granola lobby hippies, ever!
  9. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I don't ever want to look in your freezer, bro.
  10. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Would this cam pic surprise anyone in 2020?
  11. Edge

    Effects of the virus scare?

    One bright spot...one.
  12. Edge

    Dear Arizona Game & Fish,

    7. Jail time and lifetime hunting bans for poachers.
  13. Edge

    Own a piece of history

    NatureBob's in luck, the bar is on the west side of the road so in your unit, maybe glassing from the porch with a cold one?
  14. Edge

    Own a piece of history

    Judging by the acerage, the town appears to be on two patented mining claims. Whomever owns those claims owns the ground permanent structures on the claims inhabit. Mobile homes maybe an exception so it's like an RV park, you can probably charge rent. Many towns in AZ are on mining claims; Bisbee for example.
  15. Edge

    Own a piece of history

    I wonder if they're still only serving beer in cans?
  16. Edge

    Free bags

    I'll take it. PM me contact info please
  17. Edge


    Allah Akbar 👳‍♂️ Free bump for sexy rifle
  18. Edge

    Free bags

    PM sent
  19. Edge

    WTB /WTT 380 Ammo needed, I have 40 cal & 22

    What pistol u have? I have 380 Bodyguard mags available, some 380 ammo.
  20. Edge

    34 A/B

    Love that unit
  21. Edge


    Bonus prizes for the big yotes wearing tracking collars...lol JK
  22. Edge

    Where Am I?

    If I had a Pleasure Garden, couldn't keep that a secret.
  23. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Wonder where that pack train of beer kegs will be headed to?
  24. Edge

    Muzzy bullets for elk

    This was a .50 cal 250gr Hornady SST sabot I dug out of a nice 6x6 Bull taken from 220yards 4 years ago. Bullet retained 248grains, shot from a.TC Contender. Don't recall the exact pellet used, but 100grains.
  25. Edge

    Where Am I?

    After scratching around the desert back then; being shot at, bit up and broiled, a visit to the 'Pleasure Garden' would be tough to resist.