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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Caldwell bags

  2. Edge

    Some People’s Attitudes!!!!

    I love this forum and have met some great guys I'm humbled to call friends. That being said, there's a handful of posters that make me cringe each time I see their Avatar pop up. I ignore them, take the good with the bad. It's a lot like channel surfing. I see a Biden commercial appear and I move on or just turn the medium off after some jaw clinched grumbling under my breath. Normally I'd be hitting the trails and listening for bugles about now. But after surviving the hottest recorded summer in the valley, my ol lady had a bad accident and I'm homebound with my domestic duties doubled maybe tripled. If you can get out there, enjoy and revel in your freedom in our great outdoors. But don't forget to take pics and notes and share your experiences with us less fortunate souls.
  3. Edge

    Legality of blocking easements

    Is the landowner blocking you from a USFS gate? If not you're probably s.o.l.
  4. Edge

    Chadwick boseman?

  5. Edge

    Chadwick boseman?

    King of men? That's silly, only King of Men that comes to mind is Christ
  6. Edge

    Unit 22 south cow?

    Thanks Dusty, you might be right, thought it was off FR414 not near Tonto Bridge. Also try FR441, Marysville Hill
  7. Edge

    Unit 22 south cow?

    The region around Zane Grey's Cabin is a good place to start. The original location, of course.
  8. Edge

    My Super Power

    Such a common phrase, probably uttered by cavemen.
  9. Edge

    Tag Donation 23 OE4A

    Go get em, buddy!!!
  10. Edge

    My Super Power

    When I was old enough to be included on dad's big game hunts, he had a partner that often went. His name was Moe and he had some great hunting philosophy to lay down on an eager student like myself. I.E.; "Why lie in wait.... when you can wait and lie?" Moe was morbidly obese, old and bald with a voice like Winnie the Pooh. So I found it absurdly funny one night around the campfire. Everywhere he sat the smoke lofted into his face regardless of the azimuth he chose. He finally just accepted his fate, looked at me down his nose over his glasses and shrugged through the plume and said, "Damned smoke, why must it follow beauty?"
  11. Edge

    Hoochie Mama elk call

    I'll bite
  12. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    What other endorsement could I possibly need
  13. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    I found theses growing on downed timber. Edible? No guesses please.
  14. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    Let my silence be your guide.
  15. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    Huh, I would have thought you brought a lotta psilocybin home
  16. Edge

    Anyone wanna join me tomorrow?

    I couldn't bring myself to go there....but was confident you would.
  17. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    They had small stems
  18. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    Found some oyster shrooms last time out.
  19. Edge

    Coconino fungus

    If anyone knows what they are and has a name or pic in a fungus guide, please share. I'm curious.
  20. Edge

    NBA Walkout!

    I think Laura Ingraham said it best, 'Shut-up and Dribble.'
  21. Edge

    Blocking traffic? LMAO!

  22. Got one? Will take shotgun or rifle barrel forestocks, camo, black, or...?