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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Name that gun!

    I wasn't there but Sheriff Whites death is well documented.
  2. Edge

    50 years ago today

    Morbid but I thought too it might be a goat.
  3. Edge

    50 years ago today

    Places in AZ got 18"-24" of rain in a single day
  4. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Yeah I have a German made .22 looks just like, my grandad bought it at a now defunct tucson store in the 60s. It's mission last 5 1/2 decades is dispatching rattlers.
  5. Edge

    Name that gun!

  6. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Pics too dark, I win by default
  7. Edge

    Name that gun!

    When you dig it out, Tony look for a variation in the owl on the grip and the posts holding the cylinder down.
  8. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Too dark to count the screws but looks like 3 screw Ruger
  9. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Unbelievable but yes I know the caliber, 38 S&W and black powder. The company switched to smokeless after WWII and the gun could be had in .32
  10. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Winner winner. The Safety .38, made; if memory serves, 1909-1940, black powder,
  11. Edge

    Name that gun!

    No and nope
  12. Edge

    Name that gun!

    That's 2020 for ya. Got a guess?
  13. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Name that gun
  14. Edge

    Jakes last hunt

    Same with your horses and mules. I remember time spent with them more pleasant than most women in my life.
  15. Edge

    A sad dry summer

    I hauled water for livestock in southern UT for about 10 years. I had a 220 and 500 gallon tank for my truck. But the most ingenious thing I ever saw was some friends homesteaded nearby and used a waterbed mattress to haul their water. No cumbersome tank to deal with and they'd just roll the mattress up when not in use.
  16. Edge

    A sad dry summer

    My old phone had a PDF file I had found of a drinker study done decades ago by AZGFD in the Eagletail Mountains. Animals become so dependent on a specific drinker (deer and sheep in particular) that the critters will literally wait there and die at an empty water hole rather than move to one only a short distance away that holds water. So if you do make a drinker in the desert, please check it often for water.
  17. Edge

    Jakes last hunt

    I'm surprised Lisa let's you take him out. Last week I made the mistake of inviting the fabulous Mr B and his understudy, the abominable Ms B on a quick hike. Long story short, yeah he's 100% retired.
  18. Edge

    Rut Activity

    Perfect thread, thanks. I'm going to steal away to 21 once it's hot and heavy just to listen to all the bull.
  19. Edge

    Some People’s Attitudes!!!!

    Growing up in AZ, we always told Mexican jokes, love them. Three years ago.i found out I'm half Mexican (mestizo). Still love to hear them as much as ever. When did we forget how to laugh at ourselves?
  20. Edge

    Kodiak Canvas Tent

    Stove jack?
  21. Edge

    Tough archery hunt

    Still a great buck, bro. Sorry to hear about your gear.
  22. Edge

    Some People’s Attitudes!!!!

    Sounds like your minds made up, sorry to see ya vamos.
  23. Edge

    Caldwell bags

    I was just in your hood too