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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Name that gun!

    From my cowboy shooting forums, many reproductions are Chinese made and so poorly done they don't hold up and most gunsmiths refuse to work on them. Uberti builds the Cimmaron.
  2. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Yeah I think the 93s were black powder only.
  3. Edge

    Name that gun!

    That's an intentional design called slam fire but you have to keep the trigger depressed. There's Ithaca shotguns made with the slam fire feature also. The '93 and '97 were great for clearing trenches or defoliating jungles. Just, don't get captured with one.
  4. Edge

    #4 buckshot? WTB

    I have 90 rounds of Fed and Rem hi-brass 2 3/4 mag, 12 ga. (lead) $50
  5. Edge

    #4 buckshot? WTB

    12ga? Where do you live, I'm certain that I have some.
  6. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Pretty easy, huh.
  7. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Name that gun!
  8. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Yip Mossberg 152k 22lr semi auto manufactured from 1950 to 1957.
  9. Edge

    Name that gun!

    If it did it lied
  10. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Name that gun
  11. Edge


    But the sign doesn't define CAMPING....
  12. Edge

    Elk don't shoot back

    That duke seems to have been credited with the destruction of the Russian Navy during their war with Japan.
  13. Edge

    Elk don't shoot back

    What kind of elk would that be?
  14. Edge

    Elk don't shoot back

    Here he is holding his sportorized Trapdoor, Buffalo Bill holding a rolling block.
  15. Edge

    Elk don't shoot back

    Yup more I study it I tend to agree. Funny thing is, I downloaded the pic from an article on Custer and his sportorized M1866 Trapdoor.
  16. Edge

    Elk don't shoot back

    What if I mentioned it's possibly a Trapdoor?
  17. Edge

    Tessa’s bull

    Congrats to the young huntress, outstanding bull!!!
  18. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Nooooo, almost exactly diagonal across the valley from their. But at least we got a player!
  19. Edge

    Some people just don't get it.

    But I can't read the fine print under the No Camping.
  20. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Y'all need to get out more....
  21. Edge

    What am I?

    According to one of our members, it was a kiosk welcoming motorists to the Grand Canyon. There was another on the opposite side of the road saying you're Leaving the Grand Canyon which was accidentally demolished in a traffic accident 65 years ago.
  22. Edge


    What does the chain and bracelet weigh?