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About Edge

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    Premier Member

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  • Location
    Sonoran Desert
  • Interests
    Horses, Hunting, Fishing, Martial Arts and History

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  1. Edge


  2. Edge

    Tyson vs Paul Fight

    Like I said, Joe Rogan had a copy of the contract and was taking it apart line for line.
  3. Edge

    Tyson vs Paul Fight

    Turns out the whole fight was fixed. Go listen to Rogan, he takes the fight contract apart. Tyson and Paul are just db actors at this point. https://tribune.com.pk/story/2509832/alleged-contract-clause-bans-mike-tyson-from-knocking-out-jake-paul
  4. Edge

    Tyson vs Paul Fight

    The catfight was better.
  5. Edge

    Young Man Training- Want to rope a calf

    So my buddy went to our top secret squirrel location this morning, he was home by noon. I'm ill at the moment or we would have got twice as much.
  6. Edge

    Young Man Training- Want to rope a calf

    I have a spot a few miles north of Morristown. Just need dry ground, set up a dry washer. I'll trade you labor for knowledge and 1/3 of the gold. Anyone is welcome.
  7. Edge

    Young Man Training- Want to rope a calf

    Lemme know when you're ready for some prospecting
  8. Edge

    NonVoter Shame

    Rubin leads by 42,000 with over 600,000 ballots left to count. There will probably be a recount.
  9. Edge

    NonVoter Shame

    Identity politics. Biden had to pick a black woman to placate their followers. A weak feckless president with one foot.in the grave, couldn't really finish his term let alone run for a second term. They couldn't go around their DEI hire, Kamala for the presidential pick. Painted themselves into a.losing corner.
  10. Edge

    NonVoter Shame

    I really like how she abandoned her followers at the election night party, not to be seen again for 24 hours. It's exactly how she's abandoned any sane American last 4 years.
  11. Edge

    NonVoter Shame

    Meanwhile at the Naval Observatory ...
  12. Edge

    NonVoter Shame

    The little bug eyed prick is up by 40000 votes. But they've only counted 61% wtf
  13. Edge

    107th and deer valley

    I've seen it at the dispensary in Peoria
  14. Edge

    NonVoter Shame
