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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    My son got early archery bull unit 1. Very excited to be with him throughout this experience.
  2. mc68

    Otc Deer kill location

    Lmao, I don’t even know how to edit.
  3. mc68

    Otc Deer kill location

    @HuntHarder when did I say it was a slam dunk? Do you hunt the deserts of AZ at all? Water is not available everywhere as you imply. It’s actually very limited in most areas.
  4. mc68

    Otc Deer kill location

    Laughable. How is sitting water any different then baiting? If you don’t think this is extremely effective, especially during drought, just watch dumb butt you tube videos. Lots of people killing animals on water.
  5. mc68

    Otc Deer kill location

    I think it’s time they look at hunting on water. Baiting is not allowed, and I can’t see how sitting a man made water catchment is any different. In fact, I think it’s more of a draw to the animals. Our game is hunted for months on end and when we are in a big time drought they can’t even water without being f-ed with. For the record I’ve sat water before…
  6. mc68

    Rangefinding bino recommendations

    I’ve been using Leica 15s w/ rangefinder for years. Awesome setup.
  7. mc68

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    Your sons buck is a tank…the things we do for our kids😂. Sounds like an amazing hunt, one heck of an adventure. Congratulations!
  8. mc68

    First deer

    Congratulations to you both! He looks happy and that’s what matters. Good job.
  9. mc68

    Trump shot at rally today

    I honestly didn’t think Harris had a chance at all this election. I have been at Disneyland for past 4 days with my Grandkids. I now understand why she has a real shot at winning. People are legitimately weird. I don’t understand how we’ve gotten so out of touch with reality in this country. Sad…
  10. mc68

    BYE BYE Biden

    On my feed I read that Clinton’s endorsed Camel toe. It’s interesting Obama hasn’t. Something’s up with that.
  11. mc68

    2024 season dates?

    The proposed guidelines show the dates on them.
  12. mc68

    So how much of a pig do you take?

    Edible portion on a Javelina is def debatable…BUT this looks 100% like gutless method was used. They took what is required.
  13. mc68

    Credit Card hit thread

    I’m really starting to hate this time of year…
  14. mc68


    I sure hope so…
  15. mc68


    Has anyone heard more on the charges AZG&F has filed against A3 for using helicopters on late bull hunts?
  16. mc68

    My son's photo AZ Trophy Outfitters FB page.

    It’s Always something with outfitters anymore…seems ridiculous to use someone else’s picture, but not surprising to me at all. I doubt very seriously it was an accident. I really hate what people are turning hunting into nowadays.
  17. mc68

    Loaner guns for kids hunts

    This is my thoughts as well. I wouldn’t loan to anyone I didn’t know quite well. I understand wanting to help but seems like way too much risk to me…
  18. mc68

    North of the River Muley's

    Great buck!!
  19. mc68


    I’ve been thinking the exact same thing…
  20. mc68

    WY Unit 75 Antelope 2023

    Very cool! Congratulations.
  21. mc68

    2023 Early Kaibab West Hunt

    Congratulations! It sounds like you had a hunt to remember. Thanks for the write up. Well done.
  22. mc68

    Found an enormous deadhead (coues)

    That’s a great buck and an amazing find. Congratulations! Let us know the score when you measure him. He has a similar frame and tines to a buck a lady killed recently that I saw pics of. Another giant. If you get the chance, pull the trigger on the lion. Lots and lots of deer will thank you.
  23. mc68

    Daughters first mule deer

    Great buck. Congratulations!
  24. mc68

    Son's first coues deer

    Good job, those years go by so quick. Congratulations!
  25. mc68

    October bucks

    Congratulations on what looks like a fun hunt!