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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    Got offered goulds tag again from game and fish

    If you are able to have a few days for the hunt I have no idea why you wouldn’t take it…
  2. mc68


    I like the Klein grunt sack! GLWS.
  3. mc68

    Start new guide service or guide for an outfit?

    I did the guiding thing for several years. After a while I realized it was not for me. I take a lot more pleasure in helping family/friends, as opposed to someone I don’t know. A long time ago, a guy that I have a tremendous amount of respect for explained to me that once money is added into the mix, everything changes. Man was he right. Having said that though, I wish you luck in whatever you decide!
  4. mc68

    Got my first muley!

    Congratulations on a great buck!
  5. mc68

    December late pictures

    A lot of great photos there!! Thank you for posting them.
  6. mc68

    2021 success

    That’s awesome! Congratulations.
  7. Super cool buck!! Congratulations!
  8. mc68

    Punched 2021 tag

    Great buck to end the year on!! Well done!
  9. mc68

    The wife got it done

    Nice buck! Congratulations!!!
  10. mc68

    December Tags 2021

    Went out yesterday morning and saw 4 bucks. Each of them were smaller but all of them were chasing does.
  11. mc68

    Ward's Outfitters

    Rossslider, I promise you I have way more insight to this than you. I won’t publicly air out specifics. I’m mature enough for that😂. I do respect your thought on a case by case basis though, and I agree with that.
  12. mc68

    Ward's Outfitters

    So…..what would the narrative be on here if this were A3 or one of the other big outfitters out there?! Guaranteed it wouldn’t be sympathetic. SMH.
  13. mc68


    Not sure how often this happens. This was in Morenci. G&F was called in and finished him from what I was told. Crazy. IMG_3744.mov
  14. mc68

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    I don’t know that I would have caught this change. Glad I decided not to put in for it. So I’m guessing this will be the format going forward with all draws?
  15. mc68

    Had a good hunt.

    Good on you for realizing the size of the bull wasn’t more important than the memory you made with your boy. Congratulations!!
  16. So after living in Az my entire life, and seeing literally thousands of these things flying over, I learned a couple years ago they are supposedly good to eat?! I went ahead and put in and pulled a tag. This is where you all come in, I could use info on hunting these things.😂. I’ve got the Wilcox area tag and live in Safford, so quite familiar with the area. How do you guys normally hunt them? Just set up on flyway or decoy or jump shoot? Any good info is appreciated.
  17. Hunting over the decoys isn’t fun to me for whatever reason. Done it on ducks before and just don’t care for it. I’m gonna leave it to those who are into it more than I am…
  18. 2. I only went one day. Congratulations on yours!
  19. mc68


    I’ve never seen footage of it happening but suspect it does?! Pretty wild.
  20. I did the sky bang thing. Actually found some at daylight that weren’t in fields then ended up going back in afternoon and they flew right back in. Seen tons of them. Those who haven’t been able to draw will be glad to know I probably won’t hunt them anymore. It just wasn’t my cup of tea, never been into waterfowl much. I’m gonna stick with the Thunder Chickens.
  21. mc68

    Daughter’s last JR hunt

    Great job to both of you! Congratulations!
  22. mc68

    New Draw

    True, BUT do they have their system figured out well enough to handle this change?!
  23. mc68

    Daughters sheep hunt

    Congratulations!! She looks extremely happy!
  24. mc68

    New Draw

    I’m not sure if this math is right or not. One bullet point states that you apply for however many of the hunts on ONE application form. It also says multiple applications will not be accepted. So does this mean only one app fee charge? Also, isn’t the way the draw works is that your application is given a random number for the drawing? If so, lucky guy that draws number 1 would have up to 6 hunts to go on…I know this can’t be correct but I’m confused by their verbiage.
  25. Nope. Quit doing that years ago…