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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    San Carlos Turkey hunt

    That’s awesome. Congratulations
  2. mc68

    Mathews bow

    One of the best bows they’ve ever made IMO. Good luck with sale.
  3. mc68

    2022 archery bull

    Awesome bull. Congratulations!
  4. mc68

    Pine Box -$950

    Very nice, those would work just fine for me. Hopefully it’s a ways down the road though. Top picture looks like Safford cemetery?
  5. mc68

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    It looks like San Carlos has around 80’ of water at the dam now. It’s risen to the highest level in a number of years. Has anyone heard anything about possibly stocking it again? I really miss fishing that lake.
  6. mc68

    Azgfd fall regs

    Anyone know why they moved the late rifle Bull hunts to the week after Thanksgiving?
  7. mc68

    Guns and gear clean out

    I’ll take the soft bow cases. Will send DM.
  8. mc68

    Pair of nice bucks for my boys.

    Very cool. Congratulations and thanks for the write up.
  9. mc68

    Daughters first coues deer

    Congratulations! Good job on the photo as well, looks great.
  10. mc68

    30a info

    Klump? Whitetail or mule deer?
  11. mc68

    My First Archery Anything... and My First Bull

    Very cool! Congratulations and thanks for the write up!
  12. Congratulations! That is a really cool buck! Love his character.
  13. That’s awesome! Congratulations on making it happen. Great buck! Well done.
  14. mc68

    2022 Alaska Dall Sheep

    That’s awesome! What an adventure it had to have been!! Congratulations
  15. mc68

    What Happened to All the Rain?

    The Gila flooded in Duncan this morning. Heard the Frisco was running good as well. A lot of water is headed into San Carlos. Would love to see that lake fill up again.
  16. mc68

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    The numbers of animals in the later 80s &early 90s were WAY more than now. It may not be reflected in the books, as things have changed drastically with technology since then, but as far as numbers it’s no comparison. I keep hoping we will go into a 10-20 year wet cycle again so those kind of numbers might come back. It was awesome.
  17. mc68

    El jefe spotted in mexico

    Good, it’s either dead or in Mexico. Either one I’m fine with.
  18. mc68

    Anyone else worried yet?

    At least he knew to coddle them and tell them “yes”. No wrong answers, that might hurt someone’s feelings. Funny and disturbing at same time.
  19. mc68

    How'd You Get Your First Buck?

    1978, I was 10 years old. Shot a fork horn coues. Iron sights, lever action 30/30. My Mom and Dad were there and after we gutted him my Dad pointed me to camp and I drug him back myself while they continued hunting. Child neglect by today’s standards 😂
  20. mc68

    2023 governes tag

    Congratulations! Are you going DIY or guided?
  21. mc68

    Our 2021 Coues Season

    Awesome! Thank you and congratulations.
  22. Very nice gift no worries!! We spent the day at my in laws cabin on Mt Graham. Had carne asada tacos and enchiladas. Got some pretty good rain as well. 3 of my 4 kids were there as well as grandkids. It was 59 degrees when we headed home at about 4:00. Pretty great day!
  23. mc68

    Why do they keep doing this?

    I couldn’t agree with this statement more…
  24. mc68

    Tony Mandile - Outdoor Writer

    Thank you for this post. I always enjoyed his work.
  25. mc68

    new member

    Welcome to the site and thanks for the introduction!