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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    Unit 27 Late Rifle

    Ya I have to agree with Alpine on the numbers having decreased. I too have ran around up there since the eighties and there are far fewer elk now than even ten years ago. Yes there are still elk, but anyone who has spent a lot of time in the unit for a many consecutive years will tell you the population is without any doubt decreasing.
  2. mc68

    Lone Survivor

    I just want to encourage everyone to get out and see this show. ReAd the book too. Its amazing.
  3. mc68

    Lone Survivor

    There is no doubt that the Hollywood libs are a bunch of idiots, but Marcus Lutrell was very involved in this movie and he cameo's several times in it. Please believe me they got this one right. I took my wife last night, and I'm going back tonight with my kids. It will blow your mind if you don't know the story, heck even if you do its unbelievable. Worth every penny.
  4. mc68

    Unit 32 toad

    Dang if that isn't a tease?!
  5. mc68


    That buck is a no-brainer in December!! Probably January too. Go get him! Remember sometimes is easier to just get it done and beg for forgiveness!!
  6. mc68

    105 December coues 3x3

    Good choice on pulling the trigger on that one. He is a stud! Great job bud.
  7. The one freakin day I don't look at classifides!!!!!!!! SOB!
  8. mc68

    What rifle are your kids shooting???

    My 12 year old shoots a 300 WSM that he bought with his own money this past year. It is a great shooting gun and it does not have any type of muzzle break. He is a big kid, so he has no real problems at all with the recoil. I'm not sure how I feel about not having a kid practice with a gun they will be carrying in the field, but if it works well for you and you are confident in that, then that's your decision. Best of luck to all the youth.
  9. mc68

    A big thank you to Sir Royal,

    Cool deal.
  10. mc68

    2014 archery deer tag

    Holy crap! So, I live over 2 hours from the nearest G&F office, and I am gonna have to drive there to get an OTC deer tag?! That makes no sense at all to me....
  11. mc68

    2014 archery deer tag

    I have my 2014 licence. Bought it when I put in for spring hunts. Didn't know that vendors might not be selling OTC tags anymore?
  12. mc68

    2014 archery deer tag

    This may be a stupid question, but if I already have my 2014 tag can I still buy an OTC deer tag at sporting goods store? I don't live close to any g&f offices...
  13. That is an awesome deer young man. I absolutely loved the pictures of your family out there enjoying the time with each other. Its a great thing to get the whole family involved as often as you can on hunts. Believe me, the years go by so fast, and before you know it, they will be grown and gone. The picture of you holding hands and hiking with your daughter is fantastic. Took me back to hunts with my daughters. Just a great job all the way around bud. Congrats.
  14. mc68

    Late Season Bull

    Thanks. Ya I see its his 5th after looking closer. Very impressive bull! Congrats again.
  15. mc68

    Late Season Bull

    Would you mind giving the measurement of that 4th? It looks incredibly long. Amazing that his left side didn't get broke up judging by the other side. Stud bull.
  16. mc68

    Amazing bull a 10 year old may never top!!

    Well I have to say that since that bull went down I could not be more happy that it went to a young hunter!! That's a bull he very well may never top, absolute pig. Congratulations on your trophy.
  17. mc68

    Game and Fish Check Station 6A

    I must clarify my post. I was up during the late rifle bull hunt. I am thinking the original post was discussing a deer hunt? Sorry about any confusion.
  18. mc68

    Late Season Bull

    Wow!! that's definitely a good one.....
  19. mc68

    Late Season Bull

    Wow!! that's definitely a good one.....
  20. mc68

    Game and Fish Check Station 6A

    Didn't see that but was in Springerville on Friday at Rustys meat shop and a G&F officer brought in a young cow that had been shot that morning! I asked him how in the world people could mistake a cow for a bull, and he told me that I would be amazed at how often it happens. I just don't know how you could make that mistake....
  21. mc68

    Nice buck on G&F page

    I know a lot about it. I know its an awesome looking buck and I know I would like to find one just like him on the archery hunt!!! Sorry for the smart a++ comment. Just messin around. Cool buck.
  22. mc68

    Unit 1 bull

    I'm quite sure that's him...kind of bittersweet for me. Watched him rutting and was pretty sure he made it through archery season. Was hoping to find him after he left the cows but couldn't. No doubt I think its him though. Congratulations to your friend on a remarkable bull.
  23. mc68

    Lauren's strip buck

    Got to meet the family of the lucky lady, and they were not only super excited still about your great buck but they were just some great people to talk to. Nice when good things happen to good people. Again, congratulations on the buck of a lifetime.
  24. mc68

    Johnnys Huge 2x3

    I really like the frame on that buck and his dark horns. Very cool deer. Looks like he had some weight to him too! Big time congrats bud.