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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    Post em up

    I think they are different bulls too. Just a few little things that don't look the same between the two. No doubt those two have gotta be related! Thanks everyone for some great pictures. Definitely has me excited for September.
  2. mc68

    Post em up

    Wow!! That picture is going a long ways back for sure there singleshot! Time for me to look in the book of death and pull out a pic of the big 5 you got a couple years later! I thought that bull was the biggest animal that ever walked in Az. Good memories.
  3. mc68

    Post em up

    OMG!!! Now that's what I'm talking about! Thanks people and please keep em coming. Love the pic of the little girl glassing em up too!!
  4. mc68

    Great weekend in the white mountains

    Guys, 520Hunt posted a thread about what a great weekend he had up North this past weekend while camping with his family. That's it! Why is it that people feel as though they can pass judgement on him for doing so? Looks like maybe he had a fire on some private land, why is that any of our business? Its over and done with, he did not burn down a forest nor did he even come close to doing so. Enjoy his post without looking for something to start an argument over PLEASE??!!! This is happening on this site with more and more frequency. Like the Good Lord said " let him who has no sin cast the first stone"...save all of the negativity for the next anti you come across.
  5. mc68

    Water fill up-Alpine area

    +1 on the gas station. There is plenty of area to pull in with even a very large trailer. The water is tastes great as well.
  6. mc68

    Shuttle T locs

    I really appreciate the feedback guys! I am going to try both the Tlocs and WacEms. I tried out Steel Force and really liked the Phat Heads but they flew several inches off from my field tips. All this work getting ready for Elk season is so exhausting!!
  7. Well I got lucky and pulled an archery bull tag in unit 1 this year and I'm going to change broadheads for the hunt. I have always shot Vortex blades but have had mixed results over the years. I am really leaning towards a fixed blade broadhradbbecause i feel as though you get better penetration with them. One of the heads I am very interested in is the Shuttle Tlocs. In 2011 I was hunting and came across a guy who had just stuck a bull. I offered help and an little while later we tracked up his first bull. He was shooting these heads and he had hit the bull a little forward, hitting him in the front shoulder but he still got a complete pass thru and the wound channel was phenomenal. Talking with him, he said he had no problems at all with arrow flight and that he didnt have to do much adjusting at all between his field tips and the broadheads. In the research i have done it seems as though they are a good solid broadhead.I was wondering if any of you guys have shot these and could you offer any feedback, good or bad. My setup is a Matthews Switchback set at 70 lbs shooting 5575's. Thanks.
  8. mc68

    Great weekend in the white mountains

    Where did you camp? Just curious about where up there is getting rain...I have an archery bull tag and I'm hoping the Monsoon kicks in strong.
  9. I'm curious as to what you meant by the bulls kept you up all night the first night? I had the 27,archery hunt in 2011, it was a tough year but was still a lot of fun. Pulled unit 1 this year. Good luck.
  10. mc68

    headgear growth

    Bob, you are spot on from what I have always heard about drought years and horn growth, expect a 10-20% reduction in horn growth...putting that into perspective means a bull that would have gone 400" MAY lose up to 80" this year! If this holds true that bull would score somewhere between 320 and 360 this year. That is a huge difference to a wet year. Not saying all bulls are going to be droughted out, but I am in no way expecting it to be a strong year for top end bulls. As luck would have it, I too drew an archery tag for unit 1. I seem to have poor luck in drawing tags on good years, my last tag was unit 27 during the year of the Wallow fires. The overwhelming majority of bulls I found that year were extremely lacking in mass and length as well. I did shoot a bull on the twelfth day of the hunt that scored 320. I had the bull aged and they told me he was 10+. I have no doubt that on a good year he would have been much larger. I looked at over 40 bulls and the best one I saw was a 350 type bull. Just hoping I can find one this year that has found someone's garden to have kept him going strong:)
  11. mc68

    BF ranch

    Peckl1 I am curious as to what u found out about the Ranch in 32 you were questioning. I had heard the new owners weren't going to keep it open to hunters...just curious if that was true.
  12. mc68

    Unit 1 - Late Bull Tag

    Azsugar, you have nothing to feel guilty about IMO. You are a fellow hunter on a hunting website that is supposed to be about hunters coming together to help each other become better...none of us know everything we need to know and sometimes we can benefit greatly from just a little helping hand. The way you posted your questions was entirely not invasive as to anyones " honey hole". This is what frustrates me about this site, more and more it seems that there are a lot of people out there who are just looking for a chance to do some web bashing. You are not in the wrong at all to ask for more general information as you have done. Tags are so hard to come by that you really want to maximize the experience. Striving to be a better hunter is what we should all do, any and all ways possible...
  13. mc68

    Unit 1 - Late Bull Tag

    Ya a lot of times people get weird about sharing information, I guess I was a little that way when I was younger too. I have an archery bull tag for September in unit 1. if u remember, PM me after the rut and I will see if I have some more info to pass along. I have a brother that lives in the unit and we usually have some really good bulls located at that time of year. Enjoy the experience, the tags can be few and far between!!
  14. mc68

    Unit 1 - Late Bull Tag

    Expect cold nights, but it won't bother the bulls. The biggest obstacle you will have is all of the other hunters, it can get frustrating. There are elk throughout the unit and unless there is some big snow storms that come in they will be from the highest country down to the lowest. The roads are generally fine so wouldn't worry to much about that. There will definitely be some broken up bulls, but you can also find them in good shape. My son killed a 340 class bull there on opening morning last year and he didn't hardly have a chipped horn. The elk get very skittish and will cover a lot of ground during the hunt due to all of the people out and about, so don't be too surprised if something you had seen scouting is no longer around. Just hunt hard a and chances are you are gonna find a very nice mature bull to wrap your tag around. Good luck and would like to see pics after your hunt.
  15. If you like that area, then heck yeah! Don't let those punks take away anything from you and your family. Go down there and have a great time making memories to last a lifetime with your kids.
  16. mc68

    unit 27 early rifle

    I certainly don't mean to take any business away from any of the good outfitters out there, but, if finances are tough I would almost guarantee you that there are several members on this site that would love the opportunity to go along on your hunt to offer their assistance and knowledge. Its a lot more fun to be in the Elk woods than to be at home watching the tube!!
  17. mc68

    unit 1

    I drew unit 1 archery in September as well( bull). Very excited about having the tag but I would REALLY like to see A bunch of moisture start hitting the ground. At any rate I hope we have a good rut this year and that the bulls will be screaming from day one.
  18. mc68

    Results are Up!!!

    Unit 1 archery!!! Kind of in shock, wasn't expecting it at all.
  19. mc68

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    Thank you flatlander. Don't like arguing with fellow outdoorsman either.
  20. mc68

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    My rig never has nor ever will blocked a road to keep others out,and I really don't want to hear that statement again. I really don't appreciate people trying to make something out of nothing. People just need to show more respect to each others in the outdoors and everywhere else in their lives. Good place to start showing etiquette is right here on CWT.
  21. mc68

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    Flatlander, you talk like one heck of a tough guy on here, but don't even think of trying to bully me around. You do intentional damage to anyones property, especially mine and you will get what you have coming. You are what gives good sportsman a bad name.
  22. mc68

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    I also did not state that I " blocked" a road...but, that is what was people on here want to say I meant. The funny thing is, I was stating about how I feel there should be a lot more etiquette practiced in the outdoors, so why would people want to immediately jump to the conclusion that I was being a dumb a*!. I honestly did not realize that I would have to give an entire description of the situation. That is what is sad about what CWT discussion boards have become. More of a place now to try and draw blood between members...too bad. Really seems weird that i am the one questioned and no remarks saying what a bunch of BS it is for someone to intentionally screw up someones hunt.I appreciate that you were at least civil in questioning my post and not suggestive unlike some other members. Just hope people will try and be good decent people in the outdoors.
  23. mc68

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    You guys are a trip. I never said I blocked a road, I was parked at the end of the road and they drove around and cut through to this old abandoned logging road. Seriously, there are some real winners on this site anymore and I dont know why I waste my time trying to have decent conversation.
  24. mc68

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    My thought is if someone is ahead of you in a spot, then that is theirs for that day. I have had many occasions that I was going to hunt a certain area and when I got there someone else was already there. I backed out every time and went somewhere else. The way I look at it, I should have been there earlier...I think etiquette is something that is being lost in outdoorsman. I hate it when people don't respect your being in a spot first. A few years ago while archery elk hunting, I parked my truck well before light on a little tiny two track and it was the only road up into this country. About 45 minutes after light I had several bulls going good and one that was coming to me on a string. As I was sitting there bringing him in, I heard a loud noise coming closer and closer. Pretty soon the bull hauls butt and a truck comes bouncing up the road right too me. I walked to the road with my hands in the air asking them WTF and they drove right past me about 200 yards or so and stopped, got out and started getting all of their gear out to go hunt. I was in disbelief. I walked up to them and asked them if they were seriously going to do this to another hunter. They had literally drove off road around my truck and plowed straight into the hunting area. It was honestly the most rude and ridiculous lack of etiquette I had ever witnessed. Weird thing was they had absolutely no remorse or thought that what they were doing was wrong. I know the whole public land speeche but as sportsman we need to show each other respect and when someone beats you to a spot, tip your hat to them, wish them well and go find yourself another honey hole for the day.
  25. mc68

    Unit 27 Late Rifle

    Desert, not meaning any disrespect but what do you mean by fire will help a lot? The population could boom no doubt, but it is not in the management plan to allow that. In the late eighties and early nineties you could literally drive around on any given logging road and see herd after herd crossing in front of you. The numbers were very high. Then, the plan changed and it was decided to reduce numbers and they have done that heavily since then. I agree that there is good forage now but I guarantee you that they have no intention of letting the populations boom again. I'm not sure why, but I know that the days of driving around and seeing hundreds of elk up there are gone for good.