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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    Late Archery Elk Part I

    Great bull and great job getting it done.
  2. mc68

    Limited Opp Any Elk Hunt Success - Two for One

    Good for you bud!! Putting in that time made it work out like it should. Congratulations.
  3. mc68

    Finally got a nice bull

    Wow, that's a great bull! Good job.
  4. mc68

    Nephew's U10 "Big Bo" buck...

    Dang that is a stud buck right there!! Love it. I'm jealous...
  5. mc68

    Hanging animals

    Earlier today I was doing some daydreaming and thought back to when I was younger and all of the previous hunts I had been on. Is what I was mainly thinking about was how in those days, everyone went out for several days and set up a camp, usually tents, and enjoyed their cqmpout and hunt. One of the things that was always to be thought about was the "meat pole". I remember always getting back from the days hunt and go look at the hanging tree to see what animals were taken. We would also go and drive by other camps to see how they had fared. It seems to me that this tradition is pretty much a thing of the past. I believe that a big part of why its changed is that the weather seems to be so much hotter during the hunts nowadays. I also remember that many times the animals were not skinned until you got home from the hunt, a decision that would today most likely leave you with a spoiled animal. You all remember these traditions being true or is it just me remembering things that way?
  6. mc68

    Hunting with my boy-good times

    There is nothing quite like hunting with your son. To put a little twist on a songs lyrics, "and he thinks we're just hunting". Congratulations.
  7. mc68

    Majestic Monarch Buck....

    I absolutely love a big old mulie....big time congrats guys.
  8. mc68

    Flower eating bull!

    Guys, I don't want to ruffle too many feathers but these are wild animals and I would much rather see a hunter take them then the animal being hit by a car or something. Hanging around neighborhoods getting more used to human activity isn't the best for them anyways. Just seems like some are trying to make them almost like a pet...this is exactly how the anti crowd wants everyone to fell about them. Wild animals, if on legal hunting ground, fair game right?
  9. mc68

    Tuesday afternoon P.S.A.

    Elpepe...hilarious, simply hilarious!!
  10. mc68

    Alaska Last Frontier

    Hey all, I was wondering if many of you follow this show? If so, did you see the last episode where the lady gets "scoped"? OMG it was as bad of one as I've ever seen. It was so obvious IG was coming, she had no part of the stock against her shoulder. I was sitting there saying " this is gonna hurt"!!!
  11. mc68

    Happy Grandpa

    I will never forget the days of scowering my bedroom floor searching in the shag carpet for dropped BBs. Great times with them little guns.
  12. mc68

    My NM Bull

    Thats a great looking bull! I have been waiting to see some pics of big bulls coming out of the burn areas over there. Should be good for the next few years. Congrats
  13. mc68

    2014 Early Rifle Bulls

    WOW!! Now those are a couple fantastic bulls! The time length on that bottom bull is flat out impressive. Congratulations on a couple of incredible animals. Thanks for sharing the pics, would really like to hear the story...
  14. mc68

    Mom archery bull.

  15. Wasn't this bull killed in GMU 31? BTW I think your theories on moisture timing and antler growth are spot on! I also believe that if it is a dry winter , spring and early summer the rut activity will be very weak as well...my 2¢
  16. mc68

    Two tags/Two Elk

    Oh ya, looks like your son made a heck of a shot! What kind of broadhead was he using?
  17. mc68

    Two tags/Two Elk

    Nice job Darren. Sounds like you guys had a good time even though they weren't talking very well. Its always a plus when we can stay out of the doghouse with our wives! Congratulations to you both.
  18. mc68

    Arizona Early Bulls

    Those are some really good looking bulls! Looks like you guys had some great success. Congrats to those involved.
  19. mc68

    2014 Muzzleloader Bull (Updated with story)

    Holy 3rds!!! Congrats!
  20. mc68

    Elk season Part II Archery

    What a crazy bull...that's awesome! Really cool video, neat to see it so clear. What happened on the first shot, kind of surprised he was still alive cause it looks like a very well placed shot. Penetration issue? Anyway congrats on a very unique bull!!
  21. mc68

    unit 27 early rifle

    Nice looking bull. I really like his mass. I mean no disrespect at all but not too sure I see 370...anyway it doesn't matter i guess cause he is a good looking bull and looks like a very happy hunter. Congrats!
  22. mc68

    How to get a Polaris Ranger quieter...

    Ya guys seriously....the guy asked a simple question on trying to make his ride quiet. Didn't mention a thing about doing it to get closer to game, and if it is it shouldn't bother you anyway cause you will be so far out in the hills in your homemade animal skin clothes, your homemade bow with cedar arrows and turkey feather vanes, tipped with the arrowheads you made using the stone you found while grinding corn and maze. Point is if you don't have any comments to help him then do us all a favor and keep your smart a** comments to yourself. And yes, i made some smart a** comments of my own there.It is ridiculous how often this happens on here anymore.
  23. mc68

    2014 AZ ELK (Pic Intensive)

    Awesome pics and bull Robert!! Man a couple of those pictures are incredible. You certainly have had some great success the past few years, good for you bud!
  24. mc68


    I guess I just don't see what you do on that buck. He looks exactly Like every other 3 point mule deer I have ever shot. The one side forks a fourth point exactly like it should. As far as I can tell there is not anything about that deer that would make me think hybrid...my feeling is way too many people are looking for anything about a buck to bring up the hybrid debate. Again, without any doubt at all that is 100% a mule deer.