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Everything posted by mc68

  1. mc68

    Elk-Rifle before Archery

    Why would this change? Has this been a topic they have been discussing?
  2. Wow, what an awesome buck! Great job on the shot too. 76 yds is pretty good poke and looks like you got it done perfectly. I agree with everyone else's posts, I would love to hear the story and if you have more pics, post em up! Again, congrats on your fantastic buck.
  3. mc68

    You tell me, how timely is this rain?

    Well some parts of the state are getting really good moisture out of today's storm. I don't know exactly how much it will help growth, but its definitely not gonna hurt it!
  4. mc68

    nm elk tags

    Well said Shane! Its the hunt that should be the most important part. You had an opportunity to hunt bull elk with your Dad and you were both successful, hard to put a price on that!! Well done man.
  5. mc68

    What has been your favorite hunt?

    For me my favorite hunts were when I was really young. As a kid before I could hunt big game, my parents used to take me and my brother out and we would hunt cottontails with .22s. It was a blast. We would always make a fire and cook some rabbit and drink hot chocolate. Then when I was 10, I finally got to start deer hunting. It was incredible. We.weren't rich by any account and we would set up our camp of small tents and cook in dutch ovens. None had binoculars and a buck was a buck. We would walk like crazy and build a fire at lunchtime. It was so pure back then. I really miss that
  6. Unit 1 can be a lot of fun during the rut. I had the archery bull hunt last year and it was the toughest year I have ever had up there as far as bugling went. I had only 2 days that I would call good talking. There were a lot of people in the field and it was extremely warm. The increase in tags has affected the bulls being as vocal. Even with that, the bulls are there. If its like last year you will have to adjust and find something that works. Also, don't be fooled into thinking there are 400" bulls on every ridge, its just not true. There will be a couple real good bulls taken probably but the top end horn growth from after the fires is over. I have hunted the unit for close to 30 years and the horn growth is pretty much back to normal. By normal I mean a 350 is a very nice bull. Plenty of 320 type bulls there. I hope the weather cooperates better this year and you are getting temps around freezing at night. My best advise is to just enjoy your experience. Being in the elk woods is one of the neatest experiences to be had in the hunting world IMO. Don't set your sights too high and when you find one you like, make it happen! If you want to, PM me and I will help you out. All I ask is for some good photos and a story when you get your bull!!
  7. mc68

    Steel Force Phat Head S.O.B for Bull Elk?

    The Phathead is an awesome broad head that flies great and is very durable. Great choice for elk
  8. mc68


    Good deal. I have seen them several times and was wondering how the hunting is on them. I called in 2 toms last spring. I was at our cabin on the mountain and was just messing around and heard one gobble. I went to my truck and got out one of my elk diaphragm calls and started talking to him. He came across a huge canyon and I talked him to within 20 yards of the cabin. While he was coming in another gobbler started sounding off from a different ridge and they ended up meeting right at the cabin. They strutted around a couple minutes until a neighbors dog came and ran them off. Please poat pics after your hunt. Good luck
  9. mc68


    Anyone on here have a tag in unit 31?
  10. mc68

    Closing the gap???? Archery

    Every situation is different and you need to learn how to read a bull. The way he is bugling, his aggressiveness and the distance to him can all play key roles in how to work him. A bull that is worked up and by himself is very vulnerable to cow calling. If a bull is pretty docile and not bugling aggressively, you may need to keep quiet and move in on him. It takes time in the field to learn how to handle any given situation, there just isn't any substitute for it. Raking trees can be a good way to bring one in, just depends on how he feels. I think in your situation, don't be afraid to try what you think will work. You are going to mess up, we all do. The thing is, learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. In my opinion, there is nothing more exciting than calling in a bull that is all worked up and looking for a fight. Its a pure adrenaline rush. Watch as many DVDs as you can, listen to how the bull is acting and take notes on it. Its a good way to learn some of their mannerisms during the off season. Practice like crazy. I prefer diagram calls. I like their tones and I like the ability to be hands free with them. I also like to record my calling so I can see how it sounds. Talk to as many people as you can and I hope you get the chance to call a big old bull right into your lap! Enjoy!
  11. mc68


    The best answer to someone asking for info, is to not reply if you have nothing to give. If you have a rub against someone asking for infobover the internet just move on and click the next thread. No need to try and publicly trash on someone. Not pointing any fingers at all but this happens wat to often. I'm not sure, but I believe that is one of the reasons this site was created, for hunters to come together and exchange info about their hunts. That can include everything from e-scouting to kill pictures. Let's try and keep the site a positive place for us to enjoy our obsession. Thanks
  12. mc68


    Hey Lark, its lil Mace. Let me know where you are gonna be hanging out for your hunt. My brother has the archery tag right before yours so we should have a line on some good ones.
  13. mc68


    I am starting this thread because of my desire to try and understand some of the members logic that confuses me. In the Elk hunting section, bonecollector777 became quite defensive of couesmagnets responses. I too commented to bone777 only to get basically the same regurgitated response. What I would like to know is why, when someone disagrees with you and several other members as well, you always come back with smart a*+ comments instead of having a normal conversation. I have seen many times people commenting on G&F management here in Az. Obviously this gets quite alot of ideas and what always happens is that a few choice members become quite loud and rude with their belief on how things should be ran. Bone777 and any others who care to chime in, why do you always have to spin it into something else? For instance, you turned that thread in elk, into a battle of the ages. You made several comments as to how the older generation doesn't have the answers and if we go against your logic then we are wrong, and are in bed with G&F. Are you capable of having a civilized debate? When I was raised I was always taught to respect my elders. Its something I still practice to this day. If I can have someone who has spent a lot more time than myself doing something, and they are willing to pass that knowledge onto me, than I am all ears. I would be foolish to not want to hear what they had to say. How on earth could you possibly dismiss someones experience who has been hunting and guiding longer than you have been alive? It makes no sense to me?! As I stated in that thread, I know I don't have all the answers, I'm a long way from it, but listening to others can help me if I allow it to. Also, I noted that the people i have guided had big praise for our game management. They had no reason to do so other than the fact that they saw how good it is here. Now those guys have hunted around the world under numerous agencies and they said ours was best. That spoke volumes to me. Why would you dismiss people like that? So you know and don't try to twist it, I am in no way a big cheerleader of G&F. There are some things I would like to see changed, but I know they do a good job overall. I would like to know why it is that you feel as though you have all the answers? You certainly have very strong opinions, so why are you not capable of understanding that you might be wrong in some of those opinions? Also, is it possible that you could carry on a conversation and just stay on point? Don't twist things up and make wild accusations, please. I must admit, it is a bit uncomfortable wring this thread, but I would really like to get the site back to the way it was meant to be, a place where outdoorsman come and shoot the crap without a bunch of nonsense....
  14. Any update Kennyazman on which hunt you ended up drawing? I'm not hating on guides at all but it sounds like you are a resident of Az? If this is the case, you might want to consider taking the money that you would spend on a guided hunt and put it towards as many trips as you can make to learn the unit better and spend some time on Gods country. I find that when I know I have a tag in my pocket, I love the chance of spending most of my free time in the unit looking and learning. By getting up there a lot you will find the places that you will want to key in on during your hunt. It will also give you the chance to have back up plans if the elk are not in there this year or something else happens and you need to change it up. As you stated, you too have fallen in love with the white mts so why not be up there every chance you get? You will get to see so many new places and will probably see things that will make memories for a lifetime. For me, all of the scouting and practicing leading up to the hunt are priceless. The anticipation of finding that perfect place is so exciting. For me anymore, its the experiences even more than the kill are what drives me. I thrive on making my own decisions, if I screw something up its all on me. If the kill happens, that's also all me and I personally wouldn't have it any other way. It is such an incredibly rewarding experience. If you are not a resident, or you are unable to spend much time up there scouting, then looking at a guide might be a good option for you. Ifnyou did pull unit 1, you have drawn a really good tag and you might not have another one for many years to come so do whatever you think will give you the best chance for the experience you wish to get out of this hunt. Congrats on your success!
  15. mc68


    Heck ya Lark!! Congrats bud. Which hunt did you draw? Maybe look at Terry flat, no one hunts up there, you will have it all to yourself! LOL...
  16. mc68

    Finally Got Some Browns!

    Good job and congrats on your first brown! Sounds like a great day spent in Gods country
  17. mc68


    I think I got my point across and my answer. Thanks
  18. mc68


    Sorry trophy, have no clue what your statement meant. Just normal conversation please. I'm old and don't get all the young folk slang...lol
  19. mc68


    All of you that have a problem with me posting to talk with him, you are the ones who need to move on. This was a discussion I wanted to have and I'm doing that. I moved the thread so as to not hijack any other thread. Thanks.
  20. mc68


    Bone, I think if you would go back and objectively look at the thread, he was not attacking you, hr made the fact known that it takes a lot more than just genetics for the quality here in Az. He gave facts to his argument and that's when you accused him of being a kiss butt and it went downhill from there. That's my whole point, sometimes we are just wrong and its much better to man up and accept it. No need to call names and create sarcasm. I would just about guarantee you that when you are right about something he would give props. I moved this topic to a different thread and now I'm getting hate from people over that?! You just can't win here anymore. And to clarify, i never told you that you didn't know what you are talking about, my point was someone else had the whole picture and not just a part of it. Don't be so defensive. I can guarantee you that as you get older you will see that you really don't have all the answers right now and listening and learning from others will benefit you.
  21. mc68


    Who cares? Me obviously! Please feel free to not comment if you have nothing informative to say. Thx
  22. mc68


    I have put up with watching numerous people get bashed on by a couple specific members and I guess Im kind of calling them out. All I'm asking for is a couple questions to be answered. Trphyhuntr I would appreciate your thoughts here. But, please stay on the topic and keep civil if you can. Its not that I can't stand them, I just don't understand why they post the way they do and have no respect for others.
  23. mc68

    Results available

    Bone collector, I would like to humbly ask you to stop your rant with couesmagnet. You are making yourself look like a complete fool. I know this is your thing, to bash G&F and start a war of words, but you are simply outclassed here. Your youth and inexperience are fully on display. You would be wise to try to learn from the older generation, guys who have been there and done that instead of thinking you have all the answers already. Your public hate towards G&F is known, now move on. Remember the old saying, "There is a reason God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth". The G&F is doing something right if you are talking about quality animals, just look.at the record books. I too have spent a fair time.guiding and almost every single hunter I took out told me how good of a job G&F does here. They hunt all over the world and had nothing but praise for them. Again, spend more time trying to educate yourself instead of trying to be the loudest one in the room assuming you have all the answers...and no I sure as heck don't have all the answers either!
  24. mc68

    2015/2016 Hunt Recommendations

    We need rain, rain, and then some more rain!!!
  25. mc68

    Wildcats done.

    Arizona just ran into a better team against Wisconsin. I think we ended up about exactly where we should have, in the top 8 teams in the country. We struggle against the zone and it showed. As far as Miller, the guy is a great coach. Hr has got us back to playing competitive ball after the Lute Olson era. Those are huge shoes to fill and he has done a good job. We will be competitive in the years to come and I have no doubt in my mi d that Miller will get us back in the Final Four before long. I mean to finish 32-4 is a dang good season. If I'm off on the wins there I apologize. There isn't a need to over react to the loss, its the Tournament and everyone in it is dang good. Good season Wildcats and I'm already looking forward to next year!!